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目的掌握山东省菏泽市地方性氟中毒流行现状,为防治工作提供依据。方法按国家《地方病防治项目技术方案》的要求,2009年选择菏泽市的曹县、牡丹区、单县、巨野县、郓城县等5县(区)为监测地,各县(区)按轻、中、重病区各选择1个村为重点调查点,共15个村。调查内容为饮水氟含量、儿童氟斑牙与成人临床氟骨症患病情况及人群尿氟水平。结果其检测5县(区)15个村水样69份,氟含量超过国家标准(>1.0 mg/L)的水样56份,超标率81.16%,其中>2.0mg/L的水样26份,>4.0 mg/L的3份,水氟最大值为7.76 mg/L。检测15个村人群即时尿氟728人份,其中儿童435例,成人293例,几何均数分别为2.73、2.92mg/L。对679名8~12岁儿童进行氟斑牙临床检查,氟斑牙检出率为50.81%(345/679),缺损型率为4.57%(31/679),氟斑牙指数为1.16。调查7 956名成人地方性氟中毒临床症状与体征,临床氟骨症检出率为7.69%(612/7 956),其中检出中、重度病例175例。结论菏泽地区水氟超标仍很严重,以未改水病村(包括改水后报废病村)为主;尿氟水平仍维持在较高水平,氟斑牙与氟骨症仍存在一定程度流行,高氟危害依然存在。因此,应加大落实科学有效的改水降氟措施力度,控制地方性氟中毒流行。 Objective To understand the prevalence of endemic fluorosis in Heze City, Shandong Province, and to provide basis for prevention and treatment. Methods According to the requirements of the national program for prevention and treatment of endemic diseases, five counties (districts) in Cao County, Mudan District, Shan County, Juye County and Yuncheng County in Heze City were selected as monitoring sites in 2009, counties Light, moderate and severe ward choose a village as the key point of investigation, a total of 15 villages. Survey content of drinking water fluorine content, children dental fluorosis and adult clinical skeletal disease prevalence and urinary fluoride levels. Results A total of 69 water samples from 15 villages in 5 counties (districts) were tested. 56 water samples whose fluoride content exceeded the national standard (> 1.0 mg / L) exceeded the standard by 81.16%, of which 26 were water samples> 2.0mg / L ,> 4.0 mg / L in 3 portions, and the maximum value of water fluoride was 7.76 mg / L. A total of 728 urine samples were collected from 15 villagers, including 435 children and 293 adults. The geometric mean was 2.73 and 2.92 mg / L, respectively. A total of 679 children aged 8-12 years were examined with dental fluorosis. The detection rate of dental fluorosis was 50.81% (345/679), the rate of defect was 4.57% (31/679) and the dental fluorosis index was 1.16. The clinical symptoms and signs of endemic fluorosis in 7 956 adults were investigated. The detection rate of clinical skeletal fluorosis was 7.69% (612/7 956), of which 175 were detected in moderate and severe cases. Conclusions The water fluoride in Heze area is still very high, with the unimproved water-deficient villages (including those with decommissioned villages after water diversion). The levels of urinary fluoride are still at a high level. There is still a certain degree of prevalence of dental fluorosis and skeletal fluorosis , High fluoride damage still exists. Therefore, we should step up efforts to implement a scientific and effective water and fluoride reduction measures and control the prevalence of endemic fluorosis.
生态系统营养元素的生物地球化学循环是生态系统重要功能过程之一。营养元素循环和动态平衡过程直接影响生产力水平,并直接关系到生态系统的连续与稳定。因此,营养循环 Bio
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Tsinghua Science and Technology was started publication in 1996.It is an international academic journal sponsored by Tsinghua University and is published bimont
校园暴力是个复杂的社会现象,靠严惩甚至刑罚,未必管用,这更需社会、学校、家庭齐心协力,将非暴力灌注到教育过程中,并建立霸凌应急响应机制等,合力为孩子们创造安全、无暴力的教育环境。相较之下,跳出法律万能思维和刑罚迷恋,从社会层面去反思这些校园暴力何以发生、怎么杜绝,更有意义。  对于在校读书的孩子来说,校园生活是最美好的时光。但是现在这个看起来单纯美好的环境里,却隐藏着不那么和谐的部分。近些年来,在