
来源 :西南大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nixofnj
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用CO2对早红柿果实进行脱涩处理,通过对其脱涩过程MDA、O2-净产生速率、SOD、POD、CAT酶活性及抗氧化物质Vc含量变化的研究,探讨CO2对其活性氧代谢的影响,结果表明:CO2处理会使MDA含量增加,均经过一个先上升后下降的过程,且浓度越大,达到峰值的时间越短;O2-净产生速率增大,但脱涩后期80%和70%CO2处理的O2-净产生速率下降;SOD酶活性增大,到了脱涩后期活性增幅大于前期,且浓度越大活性越高;POD酶活性先上升后下降,较低浓度的两个处理变化相似,CO2浓度越低,其酶活性峰值越大;CAT酶活性前期快速上升,CO2浓度越大活性越高,后期快速下降,CO2浓度越高,活性越低;Vc含量总体趋于下降,只有60%CO2处理中间有个小幅上升过程.研究表明,活性氧代谢指标变化与前期脱涩过程单宁含量变化及果实品质变化等前期研究基本一致,CO2是早红柿果实活性氧代谢的主要影响因子,CO2对其脱涩有积极影响. To study the effects of CO2 on the metabolism of reactive oxygen species (ROS), the effects of CO2 on the activity of reactive oxygen species (ROS), the activity of SOD, POD and CAT, The results showed that the content of MDA increased with the increase of CO2 content, after a process of first increasing and then decreasing, the higher the concentration was, the shorter the time was and the higher the O2-net production rate was. However, 80% And the O2-net production rate decreased with 70% CO2 treatment. The activity of SOD increased with the increase of the activity in the late stage of deastringence, and the higher the concentration was, the higher the activity was. The activity of POD increased first and then decreased, while in the lower concentration, The change of CO2 concentration was lower, the peak value of enzyme activity was higher. The CAT activity increased rapidly in the early period, the higher the CO2 concentration was, the later was decreased rapidly. The higher the CO2 concentration, the lower the activity. The Vc content tended to decrease , Only 60% of CO2 treatment there is a slight increase in the middle of the process.Research shows that changes in active oxygen metabolism index and the process of pre-deastringence tannin content changes and changes in the quality of the fruit and other previous studies are basically the same, CO2 is the reactive oxygen species metabolism in fruits of tomato The main impact factors, CO2 off it Astringent has a positive impact.
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