Investigation of the Effect of Pilot Burner on Lean Blow Out Performance of A Staged Injector

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lklolp000
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The staged injector has exhibited great potential to achieve low emissions and is becoming the preferable choice of many civil airplanes. Moreover, it is promising to employ this injector design in military engine, which requires most of the combustion air enters the combustor through injector to reduce smoke emission. However, lean staged injector is prone to combustion instability and extinction in low load operation, so techniques for broadening its stable operation ranges are crucial for its application in real engine.In this work, the LBO performance of a staged injector is assessed and analyzed on a single sector test section.The experiment was done in atmospheric environment with optical access. Kerosene-PLIF technique was used to visualize the spray distribution and common camera was used to record the flame patterns. Emphasis is put on the influence of pilot burner on LBO performance. The fuel to air ratios at LBO of six injectors with different pilot swirler vane angle were evaluated and the obtained LBO data was converted into data at idle condition. Results show that the increase of pilot swirler vane angle could promote the air assisted atomization, which in turn improves the LBO performance slightly. Flame patterns typical in the process of LBO are analyzed and attempts are made to find out the main factors which govern the extinction process with the assistance of spray distribution and numerical flow field results. It can be learned that the flame patterns are mainly influenced by structure of the flow field just behind the pilot burner when the fuel mass flow rate is high; with the reduction of fuel, atomization quality become more and more important and is the main contributing factor of LBO. In the end of the paper,conclusions are drawn and suggestions are made for the optimization of the present staged injector. The staged injector has demonstrated great potential to achieve low emissions and is becoming the alternative choice of many civil airplanes. Moreover, it is promising to employ this injector design in military engine, which requires most of the combustion air enters the combustor through injector to reduce smoke emission. However, lean staged injectors are prone to combustion instability and extinction in low load operations, so techniques for broadening its stable operation ranges are crucial for its application in real engine. In this work, the LBO performance of staged injector is assessed and analyzed on a single sector test section. The experiment was done in atmospheric environment with optical access. Kerosene-PLIF technique was used to visualize the spray distribution and common camera was used to record the flame patterns. Emphasis is put on the influence of pilot burner on LBO performance. The fuel to air ratios at LBO of six injectors with different pilot swirler vane angle were e valuated and the obtained LBO data was converted into data at idle condition. Results show that the increase of pilot swirler vane angle could promote the air assisted atomization, which in turn improves the LBO performance slightly. Flame patterns typical in the process of LBO and attempts are made to find out the main factors which govern the extinction process with the assistance of spray distribution and numerical flow field results. It can be learned that the flame patterns are mainly influenced by the structure of the flow field just behind the pilot burner when the fuel mass flow rate is high; with the reduction of fuel, atomization quality become more and more important and is the main contributing factor of LBO. In the end of the paper, conclusions are drawn and suggestions are made for the optimization of the present staged injector.
中图分类号:D0  近年来国际社会动荡、全球经济发展整体处于低迷期,而中国当前的发展势头比较稳定、比较乐观,然而也存在种种复杂的问题,比较突出的问题是近年来出现的关系到中国主权的一些问题:如钓鱼岛问题、南海争端问题以及近日来出现的黄岩岛问题。透过这些问题,我们不难发现有些国家和地区对中国很不友好,更有甚者他们唯恐中国不乱。现在又出现了一种新的观点,叫做“中国军事威胁论”。美国国防部5月18日发布2
  主持人语:在20世纪的文化理论思潮中,德国的法兰克福学派和英国的伯明翰学派无疑是两座难以 逾越的高峰。这两大学派因以马克思主义为自己最重要的理论资源而成为西方马
《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》中对幼儿在幼儿园的发展有明确定位:以促进幼儿体智德美各方面的协调发展为核心。其中,“身体”方面的成长是第一位的。幼兒阶段是儿童身体发育和机能发展极为迅速的时期。发育良好的身体、强健的体质、协调的动作是幼儿身心健康的重要标志,它是其它领域学习与发展的基础。为此,幼儿园增添了具有挑战性的运动器械,并给幼儿搭建了学习和展示的平台,特别是创新了游戏的内容和形式。  第一,赋予
摘要:客家方言区的高师学生由于长期受成长环境和教育环境的影响,同时也受个人思想的局限,在普通话学习中存在较大问题,水平提高较慢。为此,我们在教学中积极寻找对策,研究方法,使学生的普通话水平得到迅速地提高。  关键词:客家方言;普通话;难点;对策  中图分类号:H102  对于大多数地区的高师学生来说,普通话学习并不是一件太难的事,基本上都能通过普通话水平测试,拿到相应的等级证书,最终申请到教师资格