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在海风和煦的日子里,我有幸访问了我国第一座潮汐发电站——胶东半岛上的乳山县白沙口电站。电站建在天然海湾处。700多米长的大坝横亘东西,坝的西端是电站机房,坝中建有26孔进水闸。坝前是一条直通苍茫大海的引河。涨潮时,闸门自动打开,咆哮的潮水从这儿夺门涌入海湾;退潮时,闸门自动关闭,形成落差,以潮汐进行发电。电站机房为半封闭式的,只有一个半朝天的大门,门的上方是陈云同志题的“乳山县白沙口潮汐电站”十个醒目大字。我们顺阶而下,房内洁静宽敞,六台160千瓦竖井贯流式的机组一字排开。此时正是落潮,电机飞速旋转,电流通过配电盘送向四面八方。电站的负责同志告诉我,这是一座作为我国低潮差潮能开发研究的试验电站。1970年动工兴建,1978年8月1日一,二号机组(?)网发电,然后是三、四号机组。去年9月由电站工程技术人员和有关单位合作研 During the warm sea breeze, I was fortunate to visit Rushan Baishakou Power Station, the first tidal power station in China. Power station built in the natural bay. More than 700 meters long dam runs through things, the west end of the dam is a power plant room, dam built 26 holes into the sluice. In front of the dam is a direct river leading to the vast sea. At high tide, the gate opens automatically, and the roaring tide floods into the bay from here; at ebb tide, the gate closes automatically, creating a gap that powers the tide. Power plant room is semi-enclosed, only one and a half door, the top of the door is Comrade Chen Yun’s “Rushan Baishakou tidal power station” ten eye-catching characters. We follow the order, the room is clean and spacious, six 160-kilowatt vertical tubular turbine unit lined up. At this point it is ebb tide, the motor is rapidly rotating, the current sent through the switchboard in all directions. The responsible comrades of the power station told me that this is a pilot power station that can be developed and studied as a low tide in our country. Starting construction in 1970, August 1, 1978 Unit I and II (?) Network power generation, and then three, four units. Last September by the power station engineering and technical personnel and relevant units of research cooperation
SITUATED at the center ofChina’s east coast and atthe lower reaches of bothYangtze and.Huai rivers.Jiangsu province faces theYellow Sea to the east,adjacentwi
(一) 综合是人们在思维中把对象的各个部分、各个方面和各个特性的认识结合成一个整体加以考察的思维方法。 综合是与分析紧密联系的,是在分析的基础上进行,在分析得到成果