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顺应素质教育和高考改革的需要,以稳步改革考试内容为重点、以科学公正地突出考查能力和素质为核心、有助于高校选才和中学实施素质教育的高考新机制日渐形成,高考试题不断优化.通过科学的分析命题信息,瞄准命题方向,掌握命题“脉搏”,使高考复习针对性强、重点突出,对科学高效的搞好高考复习具有十分重要的意义.1 试题展望 遵循高考改革“考察目标以考察能力与素质为主;考察内容遵循教学大纲又不拘泥于大纲;考察试题增加能力型与应用型试题”的命题方针,加大力度考能力、考素质、考应用,必将是今年高考命题的主旋律.教育部高考专家组在2001年高考数学试 In response to the need for quality education and the reform of the college entrance examination, a new mechanism for college entrance examinations focusing on steadily reforming the examination content, focusing on scientifically and justly highlighting examination abilities and qualities, and contributing to the selection of college students and the implementation of quality education in middle schools is gradually taking shape. Optimization. Through scientific analysis of propositional information, aiming at the direction of the proposition, grasping the proposition “pulse”, making the college entrance examination review targeted, focused, and scientific and efficient to improve the college entrance examination review is of great significance. 1 examine the prospect of following the college entrance examination reform " The purpose of the study is to examine the ability and quality of the study; the content of the study follows the syllabus and is not rigidly adhered to; the examination of the propositional approach to increase the ability and application of test questions in the examination questions, and intensify the examination ability, examination quality, and examination application will surely be The main theme of this year’s college entrance examination proposition. Ministry of Education college entrance examination expert group in the 2001 college entrance examination mathematics test
1项目建设的必要性和紧迫性rn硝酸磷肥属于一种品质优秀的复合肥品种,在西北欧属于大 宗肥料体系,而我国目前仅有两家生产企业,总产量不足100万t/a.作为一种优良的复合肥料体
叁 安全住宅的质量认证标准与保证制度rn为确保安全住宅的建造质量,保护住房者利益,日本建立了安全质量认证标准与保证制度.早在1977年日本建设省依据《建筑基准法》就提出实
摘要:世界著名物理学家李政道博士曾说:“学习物理的首要问题是要弄清物理学中的基本概念。”物理概念教学的效果如何,直接关系到学生对物理知识的认知程度,进而影响到学生整体知识网络的构建与拓展,可以说学好物理概念是学好物理的关键。但物理概念的抽象性及高中生认知结构中的一些缺陷,构成了学生学习物理概念的障碍,造成了物理概念既不易“教”也不易“学”的现象。  关键词:概念教学;情境教学;先学后教;自主探究