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我国商品流通领域是中小企业分布最广、类型最多的行业之 一。改革开放20年来,国有中小型流通企业的改革形式比较多,但归纳起来,主要是围绕两种形式进行,一种是涉及产权制度的改革;一种是不涉及产权制度的改革。具体来讲,主要包括三个方面:(1)国有民营、公有民营在租赁、承包基础上得到了发展。在80年代初、中期,国有中小流通企业主要采用租赁、承包等形式,在80年代末90年代初期,租赁、承包形式逐步向国有民营、公有民营方向发展,并且成了企业放开搞活普遍采用的形式。这种形式主要是以自筹资金、自主经营、自组人员、自主分配、自负盈亏、定额上交为基本内容,既保持了承包、租赁经营的有效办法,又吸纳了集体、个体企业的灵活经营机制,从而使许多原本亏损 China’s commodity circulation is one of the industries with the most extensive distribution and the largest number of SMEs. In the 20 years since the reform and opening up, there are quite a few forms of reform in the state-owned small and medium-sized circulation enterprises. However, they are mainly summarized in two forms. One is the reform involving the property rights system and the other is the reform that does not involve the property rights system. Specifically, it mainly includes three aspects: (1) State-owned private and public-owned private-owned have been developed on the basis of leasing and contracting. In the early 1980s and mid-term, state-owned medium and small circulation enterprises mainly adopted the forms of leasing and contracting. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the forms of leasing and contracting gradually developed toward the state-owned, private-owned and public-private sectors and became common practice for enterprises to let go and engage in activities form. This form is mainly based on self-financing, self-management, self-management, self-distribution, self-financing, quota delivery as the basic content, not only to maintain an effective way to contract, lease management, but also to absorb the collective, individual business flexibility Operating mechanism, so that many of the original loss
1994年,当梅琳达·弗伦奇(Melinda French)与比尔·盖茨在夏威夷一个高尔夫球场举行的一次私人仪式上结婚时,她是微软公司一名29岁的管理人员。此后她一直刻意避免出头露面
焦垣生教授 ,194 8年 10月生 ,山西省芮城县人。 1982年 1月毕业于天津南开大学哲学系 ,后分配到西安交通大学任教。现为西安交通大学人文社会科学学院中文系系主任 ,教授 ,