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“七五”期间,全国行政管理费由1985年的130.58亿元上升到1990年的303.10亿元,增长1.32倍,平均年递增18.3%,超过了同期国民经济7.8%的年平增长率,大大超过了同期国家预算收入年均增长8.7%和支出年均增长9%的幅度。据财政部统计,全国预算所列行政费和事业费开支,1980年为404亿元,1990年已达1400亿元以上,比1980年增长2.5倍,远高于同期财政收入和支出的增长幅度,给国家财政带来了沉重负担。一、行政经费增长过快的主要原因(一)机构和人员双膨胀机构膨胀首先表现在常设机构的过量设置。中央的一些部门不仅自身膨胀,还开设了不少公司等,而且强调上下要对口,中央增设某一个机构,从省到县也要相应增设这样的机构,由此全国县以上部门就要多设3000多个。据统计,1990年中央机关单位已达100多个, During the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” period, the national administrative fees increased from 13.058 billion yuan in 1985 to 30.310 billion yuan in 1990, an increase of 1.32 times, with an average annual increase of 18.3%, exceeding the annual growth rate of 7.8% of the national economy in the same period. Over the same period the state budget revenue an average annual increase of 8.7% and spending an average annual increase of 9% range. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Finance, the administrative expenses and operating expenses as set out in the national budget were 40.4 billion yuan in 1980 and more than 140 billion yuan in 1990, an increase of 2.5 times those of 1980, much higher than the growth of fiscal revenue and expenditure over the same period , Has brought a heavy burden on the state finance. First, the main reason for the excessive growth of administrative expenses (a) the expansion of institutions and personnel double inflation institutions First of all, the over-set in the permanent establishment. Some departments in the central government have not only expanded themselves, but also set up a number of companies, etc., and stressed that they should match each other up and down. The central government should establish an additional agency and increase the number of such agencies from the provinces to the counties. Therefore, more departments at or above the county level should be established More than 3000. According to statistics, in 1990, the number of central organs and units reached more than 100,
去年秋季提交国会的财政议案草案将包括由财政部提议的一些税收减让。预计减让的税额在150亿法郎左右。主要变化如下: 一、增值税、所得税奢侈品(如轿车、高度传真音响设备
苹果蠹蛾(Laspeyresia pomonella Linn.)是毁灭性的果树害虫之一,除为害苹果外,尚为害梨、沙果、桃等多种仁果类果实。我国对内对外均列为检疫对象。自1957年张学祖教授正式
目的:研究蕨类植物半边旗提取物6F对HL-60细胞内游离钙浓度([Ca2+]i)及Bcl-2蛋白表达的影响,Ca2+与6F细胞毒作用及诱导细胞DNA片段化的关系.方法: 用荧光探针Fura-2/AM标记细
霉斑病是杨树苗期的一种新病害。1984年在绥化地区肇州县首次发现。温暖潮湿季节病害发生严重。发病严重的年分叶片全部受害。 经过两年的研究,确定杨树霉斑病菌为半知菌亚