Subretinal Cysticercosis mimicking panuvietis

来源 :海南医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dinc22222
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Cysticercosis is a parasitic infestation caused by Cysticercus cellulosae larva of tapeworm.We report a case of subretinal cysticercosis presenting with red eye and sudden painful loss of vision masquerading panuvietis in the initial presentation.The course of oral prednisolone in tapering doses was given which led to the resolution of vitritis and disc edema and making a large subretinal cyst with moving scolex of cysticercosis obviously visible superotemporal to the macula.Our diagnosis was confirmed by ultrasonography.Although subretinal space is the preffered site of ocular cysticercosis we report this case due to the rarity of its presentation. Cysticercosis is a parasitic infestation caused by Cysticercus cellulosae larva of tapeworm. We report a case of subretinal cysticercosis presenting with red eye and sudden painful loss of vision masquerading panuvietis in the initial presentation. The course of oral prednisolone in tapering doses was given which led to the resolution of vitritis and disc edema and making a large subretinal cyst with moving scolex of cysticercosis obviously visible superotemporal to the macula. Our diagnosis was confirmed by ultrasonography .Although subretinal space is the preffered site of ocular cysticercosis we report this case due to the rarity of its presentation.
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