
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ddnihaoba
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据公安机关的有关统计,仅在交通工具上,1993年发生抢劫案件共9397起,1994年发案9645起,比上年增加266起,上升了2.8%。目前,有的地方的车匪路霸案件已超过全部抢劫案件的1/3,1993年河北省立车匪路霸案件995起,占全部抢劫大案的44.6%;江西省立车匪路霸案件2539起,占全部抢劫案件的45.8%。规律特点主体特点从总体上看,车匪路霸案件的犯罪主体是男性青壮年组成的团伙,其中农民作案居多。1994年河南省打击车匪路霸专项斗争中共抓获案犯4628名,其中农民3995名,占86%。通过分析1995年初33起重特大车匪路霸案件发现,274名犯罪分子均为20至30岁之间的男性,这些犯罪分子文化程度普遍较低,只有小学水平,有的甚至是文盲或半文盲。鉴于车匪路霸犯罪大多要以强有力的暴力为基础,以及需要犯罪人的相互照应,因而,团伙或结伙犯罪是车匪路霸的主要犯罪形式。据统计,结伙犯罪占全部车匪路霸案件的83%。他们在某种关系(如同乡等)的基础上,他们结伴成伙,疯狂作案。有的团伙虽然组织较为松散,但危害十分严重。有的团伙则由于长期 According to relevant statistics of the public security organ, only 9397 cases of robbery occurred in 1993 and 9645 cases occurred in 1994, an increase of 266 over the previous year, an increase of 2.8%. At present, in some places, more than 1/3 of all cases of robbery have been reported. In 1993, 995 cases of car bandit gangsters in Hebei Province were made up, accounting for 44.6% of all cases of robbery; 2,539 cases of car bandit gangsters were committed in Jiangxi Province, 45.8% of robbery cases. Characteristics of the main features of the main characteristics In general, the main culprit of the car bandits Road Pa case is a gang composed of young men and women, of which farmers are mostly committing crimes. In 1994, a total of 4628 criminal prisoners were arrested in the special campaign to fight car bandits and robbers in Henan Province, of which 3995 were peasants, accounting for 86%. By analyzing the case of 33 major car bandits robbery in early 1995, 274 criminals were both men between the ages of 20 and 30. These criminals generally have a low level of education, only primary school education, and some are even illiterate or semi-literate. In view of the fact that most crimes committed by carriages and road robbers are based on strong violence and require mutual care of criminals, gangs or criminal gangs are the major forms of crime committed by car bandits and road robbers. According to statistics, gang crime accounted for 83% of all car bandits Road Pa Case. On the basis of a certain kind of relationship (such as a hometown, etc.), they are gangsters and are crazy about committing the crime. Although some groups are relatively loosely organized, the harm is very serious. Some groups are due to long-term
生活是搜集习作材料的广阔天地,生活是汲取习作材料的源泉,我们只有到生活中去,观察生活、熟悉生活,才能广泛搜集和不断积累习作材料。 Life is a vast space for collectin
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在实际问题中,我们经常会遇到斜三角形的问题,这时可通过“割”或“补”的方法,将斜三角形恰当地转化为直角三角形进行解答.例1如图1,在△ABC中,∠A=30°,tan B=3~(1/2)/2,AC