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本研究以广西1678株在正常情况下生长经过干形比较分析的桉树样木为依据,比较检验了部颁桉树二元材积表内含干形值,发现存在显著差异,有必要研制符合广西实际的桉树材积表。针对生产需要,本研究除提供二元带皮材积表外,还研制了二元去皮材积表和上至去皮尾径6厘米的经济材材积表两个新表种。制表采用屯算技术并选用8个材积方程进行拟合。比较其相关指数和回归剩余标准差后选定材积方程(1)式作为编表的主要依据。其中带皮材积方程为:V=0.0434785—6.75245×10~(-3)D+2.73652×10~(-4)D~2+5.02044×10~(-4)DH+1.54609×10~(-5)D~2H-3.35291×10~(-3)H。编成的材积数表,经对其内含干形值的实际检验,差异一般在3%以内,良好地反映了广西桉树干形结构特征,数表的精度完全符合要求。 In this study, 1678 strains of Guangxi under normal circumstances were dry-shaped comparative analysis of eucalyptus-like wood as the basis to compare and test the ministerial Eucalyptus Volume Table containing dry value, found significant differences, it is necessary to develop in line with the actual Guangxi Eucalyptus Volume Table. In order to meet the need of production, this study not only provided the dual skinned product list, but also developed two kinds of new seed list of binary skinned product list and economical material list up to 6cm in diameter. Table using Tuen count technology and choose eight volume equation fitting. After comparing the correlation index and regression residual standard deviation, the selected volume equation (1) is used as the main basis for the tabulation. The product equation of the belt leather was V = 0.0434785-6.75245 × 10 -3 D + 2.73652 × 10 -4 D -2 + 5.02044 × 10 -4 DH + 1.54609 × 10 -5 ) D ~ 2H-3.35291 × 10 ~ (-3) H. The compilation of the volume of the table, the actual value of the dry value of the test, the difference is generally less than 3%, a good reflection of Guangxi eucalyptus dry structure characteristics, the accuracy of the number table fully meet the requirements.
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附表二编号企业中文名称企业性质码头长度(米)2001年吞吐量TEU公司网页1盐田国际集装箱码头有限公司中外合资23502751001www.yict.com.cn2青岛港务局集装箱股份有限公司国有独资113226385003上海集装箱码头有限公司沪港合资 Sc
前言暴马丁香(Syringa reticulata(Blume)Hara var mandshurica(Maxim.)Hara)别名暴马子、白丁香,属于木犀科丁香属,多为小乔木[2、3]分布于我国东北、内蒙古、河北、河南、
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