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  【Abstract】Generative teaching emphasizes the use of the interaction between teachers and students in the classroom teaching process, students centered, enriching teaching contents, improving teachers’ quality in all aspects and the ability to handle emergencies in the class, the purpose is to give full play to the initiative and creativity of teachers in the teaching process, let students gain the development of individuality, and to improve the effectiveness of Ideological and political theory teaching.
  【Key words】Generative teaching; Ideological and political theory course in Colleges and universities; Effectiveness
  Generative teaching mainly refers to teachers constantly improve their own quality in the process of teaching, student oriented, timely value judgement based on their classroom behavior on students’ performance, feelings, interests and needs to make tactful adjustments to the teaching behavior and teaching ideas, in order to make the dialogue deeply and persistently on the teaching form.
  1. Problems existing in Ideological and political theory courses in Colleges and Universities
  1.1 To achieve the ideological and political theory course teaching rules and pay too much attention to teachers and students initiative and interaction between teachers and students in teaching is not enough, it blocked the maneuvering space of teachers in teaching, teachers from creativity in the teaching process, which seriously hindered the formation of students’ creativity.
  1.2 The teaching process is monotonous, the teaching process was rich as linear of the teaching process, the lack of interaction between teachers and students, teachers have been prepared only from the class to do not pay attention to the acceptance of echo what the books say, students in the classroom and reflect the students learn in the end how much, no master, teachers do not pay attention to, but not clever to some classroom emergency situation, the ideological and political theory course lack of energy, thereby reducing its effectiveness of the play.
  1.3 The lack of teacher’s teaching ability. Now some universities do not pay attention to the effect of Ideological and political theory course of play, for teachers’ training is poor, lack of teachers’ teaching ability, on the one hand, reflect on their own on the ideological and political theory courses do not pay attention, they think of Ideological and political theory course is a kind of mainstream thinking, how can teach. On the other hand is their own lack of business ability of university teachers, the teachers of Ideological and political theory is strictly responsible for the education of students, teaching management is the management of students, but also to serve the students and teaching contributions, if the teacher’s teaching ability is low, it is bound to affect the effectiveness of the ideological and political theory the teaching of.   2. Using generative teaching to solve the problems existing in Ideological and political theory course in Colleges and Universities
  In view of the above problems exist in the ideological and political theory class, to achieve the teaching effect of Ideological and political theory course of improvement, must carry on the teaching reform, in this process, there is no doubt that it is necessary to realize the transformation of the mode of thinking. From the point of view of current teaching practice, in order to revive teaching, we must realize the transformation from pre thinking to generative thinking. In the view of the generative theory, everything is generated, and all of them are in the process of perpetual change, and there is no longer a predetermined essence.“Generative”means “become something”, and it is mainly relative to “pre-”. Generative teaching pays more attention to the teaching process itself. It does not emphasize the teaching presuppositions and teaching results, but aims at dealing with the unexpected situation in the teaching process.
  2.1 Generative teaching sets up the idea of “student oriented”. Generative teaching emphasizes students realize their subjectivity in the process of learning, so that students in the learning process has a strong gain and a sense of accomplishment, timely through the teacher to the student the value it needs and students interested in things of the judgment, constantly adjust teaching activities, to promote students learning more effectively the form of teaching. The teacher is not at the beginning of the ideological and political theory course before the preliminary design to all in the process of education using old-fashioned plan to execute the task of teaching, not allowing students to any loose learning teaching process but in a dynamic relationship between teachers and students learn together, construction, in such a the process of learning, students’ subjectivity play was very good, the students are no longer passive acceptance of teachers’ knowledge, but under the leadership of the teachers of positive thinking and reflection, this is not only conducive to students’ learning autonomy, but also improve the teaching effectiveness of Ideological and political theory course. The researchers said: “from the angle of comparison that the traditional teaching concept, the teaching process is mainly a process of teachers; that modern teaching idea, the teaching process is the process of teachers and students of unity; post modern teaching idea, teaching process is mainly the students active learning and construction process.”   2.2 Generative teaching emphasizes enriching the content of teaching, emphasizing innovation and stimulating the enthusiasm of College students. Pay attention to the teaching process of generative teaching attention than teaching results, but it does not mean that the results of teaching do not pay attention, it emphasizes the subjective initiative of teachers and students fully in the process of teaching, enrich the teaching content, and focus on innovation, teachers often teach new, students can learn by analogy. The ideological and political theory courses in Colleges and universities are void of teaching content and lack of interaction between teachers and students, which needs to be transformed in Generative teaching.
  2.2.1 Enhance the interaction between teachers and students. Generative teaching is especially concerned about the process of teaching, in the teaching practice, it believes that the core problem of teaching is not reach the goal of development of students but, while students’ development has been achieved in the teaching process, in this process, in order to enhance the teaching effectiveness of Ideological and Political Theory Course, we must strengthen the dynamic interaction between the teachers and the students, can take a question and answer way, enhance the reaction ability of students; through the development of effective classroom reward system, mobilize the enthusiasm of students to learn the ideological and political theory course.
  2.2.2 Enhancing the openness of teaching. Due to the dynamic nature of the teaching process itself, in the ideological and political theory courses in the classroom, accident is inevitable, therefore, in the teaching process, teachers and focus on trying to prevent accidents, rather than focus on dedicated emergencies in the classroom. Generative teaching in open teaching to pay more attention to the effectiveness of University Ideological and political theory teaching, namely, education in the teaching of integrated education through a variety of teaching methods, multimedia teaching and writing combination in generative teaching, teachers is to capture the change and reaction of the students, the students learning effects. Through the open teaching reasonable, help students to better grasp the knowledge and use of knowledge.
  2.2.3 Using research teaching. The use of classroom teaching methods of generative teaching, flexible and efficient to deal with specific problems in the process of teaching, emphasizing the interaction between the students and the situation, emphasizes the students’ understanding of the reintegration of new knowledge in the learning process, emphasizing students’ creative ideas and methods to solve problems of classroom teaching in the classroom.   2.3 Improve all aspects of teachers’ quality and ability. In the process of generative teaching, teachers’ influence on students’ development is the practical teaching process to estimate, students will use a lot of indescribable response touches teachers, which will encourage teachers to improve their qualities and abilities, because in a certain sense, a special kind of teaching process is the process of teachers for education, the quality of teachers in general how can teach what kind of student. If the teacher’s quality is deficient, then the student can only obtain the one-sided development; on the contrary, if the teacher’s knowledge reserve is abundant, the student will obtain the considerable development.
  2.3.1 Enhance the professional quality of teachers. Generative teaching, through the accumulation of experience in the classroom teaching, according to the needs of students, and constantly improve their professional quality. The compulsory courses of College Ideological and political theory courses in Colleges and universities, each school should be paid necessary attention, College Ideological and political theory course requires teachers to master professional knowledge, in many aspects to the layman, using the most simple method to provide students with the most detailed curriculum knowledge. Teachers are engineers of human souls, and teachers should master the most basic professional knowledge in order to make students gain something. The ideological and political theory teachers must master the basic principle of Marxism include “Marx”, “Mao Zedong thought and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese introduction”, “Chinese modern history”, “Ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis”, “form” and “and the policy of contemporary world economy and politics”, each subject the knowledge, targeted students, let students learn knowledge truly, so as to improve the teaching effectiveness of Ideological and political theory.
  2.3.2 Improve teachers’ professional quality. Generative teaching that the teaching process is not only the student admission of professional knowledge, but also it is more tolerant and open-minded, thinking of the extensive and profound, which requires teachers as educators have superb occupation accomplishment, feel the needs of the students, at the same time have the spirit of dedication, the teaching and educating people as their responsibility. College Ideological and political theory course is not only a science, it is an art teaching, students not only to learn how to learn, is to learn how to behave, and teachers and the teachers should constantly enhance their occupation quality, improve their own shortcomings, to train socialist builders and successors as their lifelong the cause of. College students in an ideological and political theory course is also in their appreciation and appreciation ability and promote the learning of professional knowledge, and as a teacher of teachers, students’ growth is on the road to guide, based learning to teach students and guide students’ active, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of Ideological and political theory course.   Conclusion: the ideological and political theory course carrying the students’growth dream, shouldering the cultivating future builders and successors for the socialist modernization construction, and improve the effectiveness of Ideological and political theory teaching is to cultivate a prerequisite for all-round development of talent, under the background of economic globalization, the international competition in a great degree is the talent competition, talent needs prosperous, and improve the teaching effectiveness of Ideological and political theory course are largely for our country to provide the necessary talent and generative teaching is necessary to enhance teaching effectiveness of high school thrust of Ideological and political theory course.
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【Abstract】Set in 1912, the 3-act drama relates a celebration party in the prosperous Birling family for the engagement between Miss Birling and Mr. Gerald Croft, when it is interrupted by an unexpecte
2012版PEP小学英语教材在继承2001版优点的基础上,加大了语音教学的份额,加强了读写内容的要求,更注重语言学习的整体性、渐进性及策略性,注重学生自主学习能力的培养,它标志着新一轮小学英语课堂教学的改革与发展。  经过几年的试行与实践,有一些体会与感悟。  一、编排更合理,使用更开放  新教材根据建构主义的学习观由单元主情景图、AB两块对话、词汇、语音(篇章)以及C部分的拓展故事组成,隐含了总
【摘要】电影翻译作为翻译界的新兴领域,担任着语言与文化交流的重要任务,然而由于缺乏应有的理论指导而显得翻译水平参差不齐。本文从电影字幕的特点入手,以功能对等理论为指导,从词汇层面、句法层面和文化层面对电影《但丁密码》进行分析,以期为电影字幕翻译的发展提供绵薄之力。  【关键词】功能对等理论 电影字幕 但丁密码  随着时代的发展,世界全球化的特点日益突出,虽然人们之间的交流逐渐上升到文化方面的互相学
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【Abstract】Based on Nida’s dynamic equivalence theory, the paper analyzes the poem translation “Shall I Compare Thee to an April Day?– A Psalm of Love” by Lizhen. The paper mainly discusses the strateg
【摘要】授课是一个动态过程,在这个过程中学习者与授课者都会遇到各种的突发状况。教学机智是教师面临复杂教学情况所表现的一种敏感、迅速、准确的判断能力。作为老师,培养处理教学突发事件的教学机智,才能够对意外的课堂状况作出迅速正确判断与及时应对策略。  【关键词】授课 教学机智 课堂意外  教学机智是教师面临复杂教学情况所表现的一种敏感、迅速、准确的判断能力。比如在处理事前难以预料而又必须特殊对待的问题
【摘要】介绍了教材基本内容,分析了农村薄弱学校学生学习状况,探讨了导入真实语境对话和活动教学构思;力求化难为简、求循序渐进,使学生适应过程自然轻松;开展调查报告,激发学生表现欲。  【关键词】英语教学 构思生活  一、说教学目标  1.孩子能听,说,读,写cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched TV, did some
【摘要】公共标识语是一个城市的名片。随着国家经济的发展和国际化进程的加深,标识语的翻译愈加受到重视,但如今公共标识语双语翻译的现状却不容乐观,仍存在着拼写错误、用词不当等问题,直接影响了城市和国家形象。本文以无锡市为例,就公共标识语翻译中存在的问题进行研究,并提出解决问题的对策,以期提高标识语的实用性和准确性,推动城市国际化进程。  【关键词】公共标识语翻译 问题 对策  在日常生活中,随处可见公