OWDP and Its Secure Implementation

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wgl_future
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Here we present one design based on OWDP for secure high speed IP network performance monitor system. Based on the analysis of OWDP protocol and the high speed IP network performance’s real time monitor infrastructure, the paper illustrates the potential security problems in OWDP and its possible weakness when applied in the monitor infrastructure. One secure improvement design based on Otway Rees authentication protocol is put forward, which can improve the security of the implementation of OWDP and the monitor architecture. Having kept OWDP’s simplicity and efficiency, the design satisfies the real time demand of high speed network performance monitor and will effectively safeguard the monitor procedure against intensive attacks. Here we present a design based on OWDP for secure high speed IP network performance monitor system. Based on the analysis of OWDP protocol and the high speed IP network performance’s real time monitor infrastructure, the paper shows the potential security problems in OWDP and its possible weakness when applied in the monitor infrastructure. One secure improvement design based on Otway Rees authentication protocol is put forward, which can improve the security of the implementation of OWDP and the monitor architecture. Having kept OWDP’s simplicity and efficiency, the design satisfies the real time demand of high speed network performance monitor and will effectively safeguard the monitor procedure against intensive attacks.
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