百尺竿头 更进一步 ——贺《党员干部 之友》出刊100期

来源 :党员干部之友 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huweiguangkaka
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在新世纪的第一个春天,《党员干部之友》迎来了出刊100期这一值得纪念的日子,特致祝贺作为中共山东省委组织部主办的刊物,《党员干部之友》自1992年10月创刊以来,始终坚持围绕中心,服务大局,紧贴时代,高唱主旋律,面向广大党员干部,认真宣传党的路线、方针、政策,悉心研究新时期党的建设和组织工作的新情况、新问题,热情讴歌基层党组织和优秀党员、干部的典型事迹,为提高党员干部素质,增强基层党组织的战斗力,促进山东两个文明建设,做出了积极贡献。同时,《党员干部之友》 In the first spring of the new century, the “Friends of CPC Cadres and Communities” ushered in the commemoration of the 100th issue commemorated by the CPC Central Committee. We sincerely congratulate the Friends of party members and cadres, as the publication sponsored by the Organization Department of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee, Since its publication in October 1992, it has always adhered to the principle of serving the overall interests of the party, serving the overall interests of the country, keeping to the times and singing the main theme and facing the broad masses of party members and cadres. We have seriously propagated the party’s line, principles and policies and carefully studied the party building and organizational work in the new period The typical stories of grass-roots party organizations and outstanding party members and cadres who have enthusiastically aroused their concerted efforts have made positive contributions to raising the quality of party members and cadres, enhancing the combat effectiveness of the grassroots party organizations and promoting the two civilizations in Shandong. At the same time, “Friends of Party members and cadres”
《家摩科技》,创刊不到百期,但也经过了风霜雪雨的洗礼, 《家庭科技》,每期给人的总是一种说不出的惊喜, 《家庭科技》,她使读者平淡的生活也变得充实和有意义。 她用“家庭
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