
来源 :石油地球物理勘探 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hbliuzy
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高分辨率地震勘探技术是一个完整的系统工程,它涉及采集、处理、解释等各个方面。而采集又是该系统最为基础的部分。只有在野外采集到具有较宽有效频带的地震资料,才能处理出分辨率较高的地震剖面。近年来在大庆探区进行了高分辨率地震资料采集试验和生产,总结出一套“五高、二小、二措施”,即五高为高时间采样率、高空间采样率、高次覆盖、高检波器自然频率、高低截频率,二小为小偏移距、小组合基距,二措施为全部检波器下并接收、大于三级风不施工的有效采集方法;以及以定点扫描确定激发高频岩性,以岩性来确定沿测线各点激发井深的激发条件选择方法;并且推广应用取得了显著的地质效果。原始记录频率在70~140Hz扫描中有清晰的反射同相轴,在80~160Hz也见到了良好的反射波;视频在1.2s(相当于T1反射层)达到了100~110Hz,在1.7s(相当于T2-2)达到80~90Hz,频带宽度达到10~150Hz。 High-resolution seismic exploration technology is a complete system engineering, it involves acquisition, processing, interpretation and other aspects. Acquisition is the most basic part of the system. Only seismic data with a wider effective frequency band can be collected in the field to process seismic profiles with higher resolution. In recent years, high-resolution seismic data acquisition test and production have been carried out in Daqing exploration area, and a set of “five highs, two smalls and two measures” has been summarized, that is, five highs high sampling rate, high spatial sampling rate, , The natural frequency of the high detector, the high and low cutoff frequency, the small one for the small offset, the small group for the base distance and the second measure for all geophones and receivers, which is greater than the effective method for collecting wind without construction; Excitation of high-frequency lithology, lithology to determine the excitation line depth along the survey line excitation conditions selection method; and promote the use of significant geological results achieved. The original recorded frequency has a clear reflection axis from 70Hz to 140Hz and a good reflection at 80 ~ 160Hz. The video reaches 100 ~ 110Hz at 1.2s (equivalent to the T1 reflection layer) In T2-2) reaches 80 ~ 90Hz, the bandwidth reaches 10 ~ 150Hz.
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