
来源 :机械制造 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hastenhe
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本文介绍一种液压联动中心架,如图所示。它采用一个液压油缸,同时驱动三个夹爪运动,在相同条件下,与目前车床上普遍采用的机械式三爪分动中心架相比,可大大节省装卸工件的时间,并可减少找中心的麻烦。这种中心架可靠性高,使用性能良好。如图所示。本中心架的工作原理是在压力油的作用下迫使与活塞杆连接的主动爪上下运动。当压力油使爪向上运动(向圆心方向)时,爪杆上推力块的工作面迫使一对从动爪绕支点转动,直到三爪同时与工件表面接触,并夹紧工件为止。当压力油使主动爪向下背离中心运动时,从动爪在弹簧的作用下,绕支点向相反方向转动,三爪同时张开,此时即可装卸工件。 This article describes a hydraulic linkage center frame, as shown. It uses a hydraulic cylinder, while driving three jaws movement, under the same conditions, with the current lathe commonly used mechanical three claw moving center frame, can save handling time and can reduce the center Trouble. This center frame reliability, good performance. as the picture shows. The working principle of the center frame is to force the active pawl connected with the piston rod to move up and down under the action of pressure oil. When the pressure oil moves the claw upwards (toward the center of the circle), the working face of the thrust block on the claw rod forces a pair of driven claws to rotate around the fulcrum until the three claws contact the workpiece surface at the same time and clamp the workpiece. When the pressure oil moves the active claw downwards away from the center, the driven claw rotates in the opposite direction around the fulcrum under the action of the spring, and the three claws open at the same time, at this time, the workpiece can be handled.
本文介绍了卫星模拟试验用大型容器内壁紫铜管道系统的钎焊工艺,主要包括铜板预热及拼接,贴焊铜管及管接头焊接。 This paper introduces the brazing technology of the co
IN the previous papers of the author’s,the elementary reactionoperator concerning point group was discussed.In thispaper,more complex reaction operators will