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隐性知识有很高的挖掘价值,但鉴于其不可见、不易计量,因此对项目组织中隐性知识共享途径展开分析。总结项目组织管理中阻碍隐性知识共享的诸多因素,如过于僵硬的项目组织结构、命令式或工作流式的项目组织文化、受限的组织沟通交流模式、亟待完善的绩效考评制度等等。针对上述因素,提出各自的解决对策,如构建学习型组织和隐性知识共享模型来改变僵化的组织结构;改变人员沟通的层级结构为网状结构,建立知识网络,扩展沟通面;提升员工参与决策的机会,焕然组织文化;建立绩效考评制度、知识收益分配制度等来完善激励机制。 Tacit knowledge has a high value of mining, but in view of its invisible, not easy to measure, so the organization of tacit knowledge sharing approach to analyze. Summarizes many factors that hinder tacit knowledge sharing in project organization and management, such as too rigid project organization structure, imperative or workflow project organizational culture, limited organizational communication mode, the need to improve the performance appraisal system and so on. According to these factors, we put forward some countermeasures, such as building a learning organization and tacit knowledge sharing model to change the rigid organizational structure; changing the hierarchical structure of personnel communication into a network structure, establishing a knowledge network, expanding the communication surface; enhancing employee participation Decision-making opportunities, look at the organizational culture; establish performance appraisal system, the distribution of knowledge income, etc. to improve the incentive mechanism.
最近,陆续接到读者来信,要求介绍一些集卡知识,这今我们欣慰。一方面,读者的来信即是对我们工作的强有力支持;另一方面,读者来信又如同一面镜 Recently, we have received l
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