
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzdlily_5000
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Background. Known inherited mutations are responsible for approximately 10% of all epithelial ovarian cancers; however, prior to this report, sex cord-stromal ovarian tumors had not been documented in related females. Case. We report here on a mother and daughter, each diagnosed with rare, adult-type granulosa cell tumors of the ovary. Conclusion. This novel report of granulosa cell tumors occurring in two first-degree relatives must be examined with reserve. No familial tendency has previously been documented, and our finding may be coincidental. However, if additional cases are reported and future research is undertaken, biological markers and inherited mutations for certain sex cord-stromal ovarian tumors may be identified. These advances could lead to targeted therapy and specific surveillance protocols with appropriate surgical interventions for high-risk patients. Background. Known inherited mutations are responsible for approximately 10% of all epithelial ovarian cancers; however, prior to this report, sex cord-stromal ovarian tumors had not been documented in related females. Case. We report here on a mother and daughter, each Diagnosed with rare, adult-type granulosa cell tumors of the ovary. Conclusion. This novel report of granulosa cell tumors occurring in two first-degree relatives must be examined with reserve. No familial tendency has previously been documented, and our finding may be coincidental However, if additional cases are reported and future research is undertaken, biological markers and inherited mutations for certain sex cord-stromal ovarian tumors may be identified. These advances could lead to targeted therapy and specific surveillance protocols with appropriate surgical interventions for high-risk patients.
章咏裳教授 ,男 ,江苏省江阴人 ,1 92 9年 9月 2 6日生于上海 ,汉族 ,中共党员。 2 0 0 1年9月 9日因病逝世 ,享年 72岁。章咏裳教授 1 955年毕业于中南同济医学院 ,留校任同
通过对三次创造男子百米世界纪录运动员的技术参数进行比较、分析、发现 ,男子百米创纪录时 ,速度曲线变化趋势从传统的单峰到双峰 ,至今天的既不是双高峰也不是传统意义的单
1 易犯错误单杠教学中 ,在进行“右腿骑撑 ,左腿向前摆越转体 90°挺身下”的教学中 ,学生容易出现过早向右转体 90°,拖腿下杠的错误 出现这样错误的原因有三 :(1)、心理
QXD型小型潜水电泵是一种机泵同轴、单相电容起动的小型潜水泵。这种泵具有结构紧凑、提携方便、性能良好、密封可靠等特点,适用于广大农村、工矿企业的给排 QXD small sub