Development of Si_3N_4/Al composite by pressureless melt infiltration

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kongling54321
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Pressureless infiltration process to synthesize Si3N4/Al composite was investigated. Al-2%Mg alloy was infiltrated into Si3N4 and Si3N4 containing 10% Al2O3 preforms in the atmosphere of nitrogen. It is possible to infiltrate Al-2%Mg alloy in Si3N4 and Si3N4 containing 10% Al2O3 preforms. The growth of the dense composite of useful thickness was facilitated by the presence of magnesium powder at the interface and by flowing nitrogen. During infiltration Si3N4 reacted with aluminium to form Si and AlN, the growth of composite was found to proceed in two ways, depending on the Al2O3 content in the initial preform. Firstly, preform without Al2O3 content gives rise to AlN, Al3.27Si0.47 and Al type phases after infiltration. Secondly, perform with 10% Al2O3 content gives rise to AlN-Al2O3 solid solution phase (AlON), MgAl2O4, Al and Si type phases. AlON phase was only present in composite, containing 10% Al2O3 in the Si3N4 preforms before infiltration. It is possible to infiltrate Al-2% Mg alloy was infiltrated into Si3N4 and Si3N4 containing 10% Al2O3 preforms in the atmosphere of nitrogen. It is possible to infiltrate Al-2% Mg alloy in Si3N4 and Si3N4 The growth of the dense composite of useful thickness was facilitated by the presence of magnesium powder at the interface and by flowing nitrogen. During infiltration Si3N4 reacted with aluminum to form Si and AlN, the growth of composite was found to proceed in two ways, depending on the Al2O3 content in the initial preform. Preform without Al2O3 content gives rise to AlN, Al3.27Si0.47 and Al type phases after infiltration. -Al2O3 solid solution phase (AlON), MgAl2O4, Al and Si type phases. AlON phase was only present in composite, containing 10% Al2O3 in the Si3N4 preforms before infiltration.
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3月19日 晴  2008年的暑假,我跟着爸爸妈妈来到了美丽的城市——青岛。  我光着脚丫走在细细的沙滩上,欣赏着那无边无际,海天一色的大海。这儿的海,特别美,一天中能变换很多种颜色。有时蓝的耀眼,就像一块蓝缎子;有时又变成了绿色,绿得像一片翡翠。海水平静时,像一面透明的镜子;海水奔腾时,又像一只怒吼的狮子,卷起层层浪,向海滩扑来。海鸥在海面上飞着,人们在海水里游泳嬉戏,不少小孩子还在沙滩上捡五颜
例1若函数y=(m-2)x~((m~2)-3)+m是一次函数,求m的值.分析有人认为:因为一次函数的自变量x的次数应为1,则m~2-3=1,得m=±2. Example 1 If the function y=(m-2)x~((m~2)-3)+m