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运用语言逻辑中的基础语言逻辑、分析语言逻辑、语素语言逻辑和表达语言逻辑,指导词语、语句教学,将科学思维的培养渗透于教学的过程之中,我们摸索到一些切实可行的方法。一、比较法。它是将两个以上的对象放在一定的条件下,按同一标准作对照,从而确定各对象属性的异同、地位的主次或功能的优劣,以达到认识对象的目的一种方法。采用同类事物异同的比较法,对于词语教学来说,就是引导学生从词项的内涵和外延入手,辨清概念,即弄清实词、短语,尤其是同义、近义词的含义。因为,表达概念的词语的内涵就是对概 Using the basic language logic in linguistic logic, we analyze linguistic logic, morpheme linguistic logic and linguistic logic, instructional vocabulary and sentence teaching, and infiltrate the cultivation of scientific thinking into the teaching process. We have explored some practical methods. First, more law. It is more than two objects under certain conditions, according to the same standard as a control, so as to determine the similarities and differences between the attributes of the object, the status of primary and secondary functions or advantages and disadvantages in order to achieve the purpose of understanding a method. The comparison of similarities and differences between similar things, for the word teaching, is to guide students to start from the connotation and extension of the term, to identify the concept, that is, to clarify the real words, phrases, especially synonymous synonymous meaning. Because, the connotation of the expression of the concept of words is right
在很久以前雪域高原就有许多民间广为流传的游艺,其中的风筝有它别具一格的特点。 按以往的习俗,放风筝的季节一般为每年的秋季中旬间,问一些老者就可知一二。为何认为秋天
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报上有篇短文,说的是有个同学叫张翀,因为这个“翀”字是个疑难字,点名册上成了张**。想不到这个名字,对每位老师的想象力,来 There is an article on the newspaper, sayi