土豆切丝卖 小生意赚钱快

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江苏省阜宁县条河农林站职工季天华,几年前下海经商,他和妻子在县城开了一家小饭馆。开饭馆需要天天上街买菜,季天华发现市场上土豆(马铃薯)一年四季销量都挺大,很多人都喜欢吃,就连自己开的小饭馆里每天都要消耗二、三十斤土豆。土豆好吃,但要把几十斤的土豆切成丝就不是一件易事了。季天华每天上午先将土豆一个一个洗净去皮,然后再逐个切成丝,为此每天都得花费两三个小时,累得腰酸腿痛不说,有几次在不经意间还将手指切得鲜血直流。季天华心想,如果把土豆切成丝出售就可省去去皮切丝的麻烦,一定能赚钱。有了这个想法后,他决定买一台土豆切丝机试一试.季天华先后去了南京、上海、郑州等地,可就是没有一家卖土豆切丝机的。但他并没有因此灰心丧气,反而更加坚定了他土豆切丝能赚钱的信心。他找到当时亏损严重的阜宁县食品机械厂的工程师说明自己的来意,请他们帮助自己设计一台土豆切丝机。厂领导和工程师们觉得季天华的思路既切合实际又很有创新意识,一致认为土豆切丝机是值得研制开发的新型食品机械,于是决定生产土豆切丝机。经过9个多月时间 Season Funan County, Jiangsu Province, agricultural and forestry station workers quarter Tianhua, a few years ago the sea business, he and his wife opened a small restaurant in the county. Open the restaurant every day to go to the streets to buy food, Ji Tianhua found on the market potatoes (potatoes) are sold throughout the year are quite large, many people like to eat, and even open their own small restaurants consume two or three pounds of potatoes. Potatoes delicious, but a few pounds of potato cut into wire is not an easy task. Ji Tianhua potatoes each day first wash the skin one by one, and then one by one cut into filaments, for which every day had to spend two or three hours, tired backache leg pain, several times inadvertently will also finger cut Blood DC. Ji Tian Hua thought, if the potato cut into silk for sale to save the trouble of peeling skin, will certainly make money. With this idea, he decided to buy a potato cutting machine to try.Ji Tianhua has gone to Nanjing, Shanghai, Zhengzhou and other places, but there is no one to sell potato cutting machine. But he did not discouraged, but more firmly convinced his potato shreds can make money. He found the then-defunct engineer at Funing County Food Machinery Plant explaining what he wanted and asking them to help design a potato-cutting machine. Factory leaders and engineers think Ji Tianhua’s ideas both practical and very innovative, agreed that the potato cutting machine is worthy of research and development of new food machinery, so decided to produce potato cutting machine. After more than 9 months time
军用技术正在进入民用市场,但仍然面临着工程技术挑战。 Military technology is entering the civilian market but it still faces engineering and technical challenges
各位代表、各位来宾: 第三次全国科技翻译学术研讨会经过半年多的筹备,今天胜利开幕了。全国各省市科技翻译界一百六十多位代表云集在古老的新安江畔,相聚在美丽的山城屯溪
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国家质检总局近期对微型计算机的监督抽查结果显示 :由于一些企业对标准理解不够 ,零部件进货控制和生产线组装质量控制不严 ,缺乏必要的检测手段 ,导致微型计算机的电磁兼容
一、整体设计思路、指导依据说明  指导依据:在高中英语学习中,词汇是一个不可忽视的重要元素。语言学家认为,“各种语言学习活动归根结底都是学习词汇的活动,是词汇在听、说、读、写、译等形式中的练习和应用”。离开了词汇,语言就失去了实际意义;离开词汇语言就无法表达思想。词汇学习直接影响英语语言学习的效果。在中学英语阅读教学中,学生碰到的重要问题就是词汇阻碍,不少学生因词汇量小,看不懂句子或文章,而丧失了