Regeneration of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS)-containing nerve fibers in rat corpus cavernos

来源 :Asian Journal of Andrology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yahved
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Aim: To investigate the effect of cavernous nerve injury on the nNOS-containing nerve fibers in rat corpus cavernosum.Methods: Thirty-three male SD rats were randomized into 3 groups: 5 rats underwent pelvic exploration without tran-section of cavernous nerve as the sham-operated controls, the unilateral injury group (14 rats) had the cavernous nerve cuton one side, and the bilateral injury group (14 rats) had the nerves cut on both sides. Corpora cavernosa were harvestedat the 3rd week and 6th month after surgery, nNOS-positive nerve fibers were examined with strepavidin peroxidase im-munohistochemistry techniques (SP method). Results: After bilateral ablation, the nNOS-positive nerve fibers weresignificantly decreased at both the 3rd week ( 17 ± 4) and the 6th month (16 ± 4). For the unilateral injury group, thenNOS-positive nerve fibers were similarly decreased on the side of the neurotomy at the 3rd week (18 ± 6), but by the 6thmonth, the number increased significantly (61±9) and approximated th Aim: To investigate the effect of cavernous nerve injury on the nNOS-containing nerve fibers in rat corpus cavernosum. Methods: Thirty-three male SD rats were randomized into 3 groups: 5 rats underwent pelvic exploration without tran-section of cavernous nerve as the sham-operated controls, the unilateral injury group (14 rats) had the cavernous nerve cuton one side, and the bilateral injury group (14 rats) had the nerves cut on both sides. Corpora cavernosa were harvestedat the 3rd week and 6th month after surgery , nNOS-positive nerve fibers were examined with strepavidin peroxidase im-munohistochemistry techniques (SP method). Results: After bilateral ablation, the nNOS-positive nerve fibers weresignificantly decreased at both the 3rd week (17 ± 4) and the 6th month ± 4). For the unilateral injury group, thenNOS-positive nerve fibers were indicated decreased on the side of the neurotomy at the 3rd week (18 ± 6), but by the 6th month, the number increased significantly (61 ± 9) a nd approximated th
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