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从我国现行的论及侦查假说的逻辑论著中,可以看出,许多著作都认为侦查假说与科学假说是有区别的。但是,对它们之间的区别却缺乏深入的研究、系统的阐释和论证。有的只轻描淡写地附带说几句,有的仅把侦查假说改名为侦查假设。本文试图对这两种假说的联系与区别作一初步的探讨,所促进这方面的研究,彻底弄清它们各自的特点及其相互关系。 一、关子假说定义 传统逻辑论著中关于假说的定义虽有不同的表述,但其要义是;“假说是人们在已有知识的基础上,对在实践中观察和研究到的一些现象在理论上提出假定的解释的思维形式,它是对某种旧的理论或某个认识对象提出的一种新的尚待证明的思想或观点”;“假说是科学家或发明者提出新的理论或进行技术革新必须掌握的重要的思维方法”(见《形式逻辑》<修订本>,中国人民大学哲学系逻辑教研室编,1984年7月第2版,第299、300页)。我以为,关于假说的定义是本文要解决的问题的关键。如果不囿于成见,换一个方位来审视假说的定义,我们可以这样来理解—— From the current logic treatises on the detection hypothesis in our country, we can see that many of the works consider the difference between the investigation hypothesis and the scientific hypothesis. However, the difference between them lacks deep research, systematic explanation and demonstration. Some only understatement incidental to say a few words, and some only changed the investigation hypothesis investigation hypothesis. This article attempts to make a tentative discussion on the connection and difference between these two hypotheses and to promote the research in this field and thoroughly understand their respective characteristics and their interrelations. First, the definition of off sub-hypothesis Hypothesis of traditional logic theory on the definition of the hypothesis is different, but its meaning is; “Hypothesis is that people based on existing knowledge, observed and studied in practice, some of the phenomena in theory Put forward a hypothetical form of thinking of explanation, which is a new yet to be proved idea or view of an old theory or a subject of knowledge ”;“ The hypothesis is that scientists or inventors come up with new theories or technologies Innovation must master the important way of thinking ”(see“ Formal Logic ”, eds., Department of Philosophy, Renmin University of China, ed., July 1984, 2nd ed., Pp. 299, 300). I think the definition of the hypothesis is the crux of the problem to be solved in this article. If we look at the definition of the hypothesis instead of prejudice and in a different direction, we can understand -
目的了解新疆吐鲁番地区流行性腮腺炎网络直报疫情动态,为政府控制腮腺炎提供科学依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法分析腮腺炎实行网络直报以来的疫情特点。结果 2004~2009年新
选择题 1.如图1,在平行四边形ABCD 中,下列各式不一定正确的是( 乙2+乙3=180。 乙2+乙4二1800 BD 乙l+乙2=1800 乙3+乙4=1800 AC 乙里一~ B 图1 2.如图2 ,在口月BCD中,E月必
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对中学生谈恋爱,我们有一个约定俗成的名词——“早恋”。一个“早”字,反映了成年人的判断——不适当、不好、不对。  近日,上海市教育科学研究项目《青春期两性情感辅导的实践与研究》正式结题。该项目的调研报告显示,有近三成的初中生和超过五成的高中生有过恋爱经历。其中,30%-40%有过恋爱经历的学生表示与异性有过牵手、拥抱或亲吻的经历。  不过,多数中学生对初尝禁果持谨慎态度,有58%的高中生认为性行为