
来源 :柑桔科技通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kissall
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一、绪言果树缺铁失绿黄化病在国内外均有过不少研究报导并作了形态的描述,机制理论的探讨和假说。但利用滨海土壤资源发展柑桔生产,是在我国无产阶级文化大革命运动中发展起来的,因此,对滨海柑桔失绿黄化病的研究甚少。滨海柑桔失绿黄化病早年虽有发生,但由于开始发病数量较少,没有引起人们重视。1973年后,随着面积的扩大,桔龄和结果量的增加,失绿黄化病也日趋严重,并较普遍地发生,成为滨海柑桔生产发展中的严重障碍。为了解决大面积失绿黄化病的危害,在党组织的支持下,我们排除了“四人帮”的严重干扰和破 I. INTRODUCTION Iron deficiency and chlorosis yellowing disease in fruit trees have been reported in many countries at home and abroad and made a description of morphology, mechanism theory and hypotheses. However, the use of coastal soil resources to develop citrus production was developed during the proletarian cultural revolution in China. Therefore, little is known about the yellow-green disease of coastal citrus. Coastal citrus chlorosis yellowing disease although there have been early years, but due to the onset of the lesser number, did not arouse people’s attention. After 1973, with the enlargement of area, the increase of the age of orange and the result, the loss of luteinizing yellow became more serious and occurred more commonly, which became a serious obstacle in the development of coastal citrus production. In order to solve the problem of large-scale loss of yellowing disease, with the support of the party organizations, we have ruled out the serious interference and the break of the “gang of four”
我区黄星天牛(Anoplophora nobilis.Garglbouer),过去误认为光肩星天牛(Anoplophora glabripennis),1961年由外省传入隆德县杨沟、奠安等公社,现已蔓延扩展到固原、泾源、西
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各州、市、县人民政府,各地区行政公署,省直各委、办、厅、局: 根据中央和国务院的统一部署,省委、省政府决定从今年7月起在全省范围内全面推开农村税费改革试点。现将经国
目的 :研究人类小肠上皮细胞 (Intestine40 7cell lines)膜上钙激活性钾通道的分子生物学特征及其电生理学特性。方法 :用 RT- PCR方法检测培养的人类小肠上皮细胞膜上钙激活
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