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通过对不同土水比,同一冲填速度条件下浆体性能的研究,旨在选出最佳土水比和冲填速度的组合。以杨凌土为试验对象,用等高直径的PVC管模拟组建泥浆泵筑坝分层填筑的过程,设计侧向排水管模拟坝体排水系统,制备2个土水比(2.5∶1和2∶1)的泥浆,对恒定冲填速度(15 cm d-1)下浆体的排水量、抗剪强度、渗透系数等指标进行测定,反映两种土水比条件下浆体性质的变化。2种土水比,恒定冲填速度下,浆体各项指标的总体变化趋势基本一致,但变化率差异较大。土水比小的浆体各指标变化较土水比大的明显且规律性强。含水率较高的泥浆脱水性、渗透性、沉陷量变化比土水比较大的泥浆显著,但其固结性较差,抗剪强度较弱;两种土水比组合,随着灌浆层的加高都表现出下层浆体渗透性逐渐减弱而不利于浆体后期的排水固结。通过对几项指标进行综合比较分析,确定较佳土水比组合为2.5∶1。试验研究成果将为现场筑坝提供参考。 Through the study on the properties of slurry with different soil-water ratio and same filling velocity, the best combination of soil-water ratio and filling velocity is selected. Yangling soil as the test object, the use of high-diameter PVC pipe to simulate the formation of mud pump dam filling process, the design of the lateral drainage pipe dam drainage system to prepare two soil-water ratio (2.5: 1 and 2 : 1), the displacement, shear strength and permeability coefficient of slurry under constant filling velocity (15 cm d-1) were measured to reflect the changes of slurry properties under two conditions of soil-water ratio. Under the condition of 2 kinds of soil-water ratio and constant filling rate, the overall trend of the indexes of slurry is basically the same, but the rate of change is quite different. Soil and water than the small changes in the index of soil than water than the obvious and strong regularity. The mud with higher water content has more obvious dewatering, permeability and sediment changes than the mud with larger water but lower consolidation and weaker shear strength. With the combination of two kinds of soil and water, Elevated shows that the permeability of the lower slurry gradually weakened and is not conducive to the consolidation of the late drainage slurry. Through a comprehensive comparative analysis of several indicators, it is determined that the better combination of soil and water ratio is 2.5: 1. The results of experimental research will provide reference for on-site dam construction.