Water Security Situation in Haihe River Basin after South-to-North Water Transfer Project

来源 :Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:geyukcl
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The over-exploitation of water resources in the Haihe River Basin (HRB) has now become a serious problem. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that many local rivers and lakes are drying up and the total amount of over-exploited groundwater has reached over 1000×108m3. It is important to note that the exploitation of water resources in HRB was reasonable before 1979. After 1980, however, over-exploitation happened with an annual average amount of 40×108m3. Both the dry season and rapid economic growth in HRB took place at the same time. Therefore, the over-exploitation of water in HRB was actually the negative result of the conjunction of a continuous dry season and rapid economic growth. So the over-exploitation would not be as serious as it is today if either of the above two stopped. After the first stage of south-to-north water transfer project, the water shortage problem in HRB could be eased for the following reasons: fi rstly, water transfer project will bring to the Basin 60×108m3 water resources; secondly, a wet season will come back eventually according to natural law of climate variability; finally, its agricultural and industrial use and total water consumption all have decreased from the peak value, so that the groundwater table will raise certainly and ecological water in rivers and lakes that were dried-up will be partly restored. In the future, the main problem of water resources security in HRB will include water pollution, operation risk of the south-to-north water transfer project, groundwater pollution and engineering geological hazards that may be brought by groundwater rise. The proposed countermeasures are as follows: keeping strengthening water demand management, raising water price as well as subsidies for the low-income family and improving other water related policies, preventing and dealing with water pollution seriously and getting fully prepared for the operation of south-to-north water transfer project. The over-exploitation of water resources in the Haihe River Basin (HRB) has now become a serious problem. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that many local rivers and lakes are drying up and the total amount of over-exploited groundwater has reached over 1000 × 108m3. It is important to note that the exploitation of water resources in HRB was reasonable before 1979. After 1980, however, over-exploitation happened with an annual average amount of 40 × 108m3. Both the dry season and rapid economic growth in HRB took place at the same time. Therefore, the over-exploitation of water in HRB was actually the negative result of the conjunction of a continuous dry season and rapid economic growth. So the over-exploitation would not be as serious as it is today if either of the above two stopped. After the first stage of south-to-north water transfer project, the water shortage problem in HRB could eased for the following reasons: fi rstly, water transfer project will bring to Basin 60 × 108m3 water resources; secondly, a wet season will come back eventually according to natural law of climate variability; finally, its agricultural and industrial use and total water consumption all have decreased from the peak value, so that the groundwater table will raise certainly and ecological water in rivers and lakes that were dried-up will be part of restored. The future, the main problem of water resources security in HRB will include water pollution, operation risk of the south-to-north water transfer project, groundwater pollution and The proposed countermeasures are as follows: keep strengthening water demand management, raising water price as well as subsidies for the low-income family and improving other water related policies, preventing and dealing with water pollution seriously and getting fully prepared for the operation of south-to-north water transfer project.
目的:研究编码白介素-10(IL-10)质粒DNA对由多次、低剂量链脲佐菌素(STZ)诱发的自身免疫性糖尿病小鼠的作用。方法:连续5天将STZ(每次40 mg/kg)腹腔注射入小鼠体内,于第1、14
目的 探讨促性腺激素对小鼠卵泡生长分化因子9(GDF-9)及生长分化因子9B(GDF-9B)表达的影响.方法 以性成熟小鼠体外培养卵泡和性成熟雌性BALB/c小鼠作为研究模型,(1)体内实验:20只小鼠随机分为两组,A组10只,注射孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG),每只10 IU,B组10只,注射同等体积的生理盐水,24 h后取卵巢组织,免疫组化检测GDF-9的表达,原位杂交技术检测GDF-9B的表
目的 评价影响 2型糖尿病患者尿铜蓝蛋白 (Cp)及尿白蛋白 (Alb)的因素。 方法 记录及测定 1 0 4 6例 2型糖尿病患者的年龄、性别、糖尿病病程、血压、腰围、臀围、腰臀比、