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在果树休眠期防治病虫害有很多有利条件:一是病虫过冬场所较集中,龄期一致,有利于集中消灭。二是休眠时间长,有充裕的防治时间。三是冬季处于农闲季节,劳力比较充足。四是可使用一些浓度较高的农药,省工、省药,节省资金。因此,我们应抓紧有利时机,在果树休眠期进行病虫害防治。一、清洁果园:许多种病虫害都是在枯枝、落叶、落果、杂草中过冬,所以将杂草、枯枝、落叶等物集中烧毁和深埋,可以大大减少来年病虫害的 There are many favorable conditions for the prevention and control of pests and diseases during the dormant period of the fruit trees. First, the places where the pests and pests spend winter are more concentrated and have the same age, which is beneficial to the concentration elimination. Second, sleep for a long time, there is plenty of control time. Third, the winter is in the slack season, labor more adequate. Fourth, we can use some of the higher concentrations of pesticides, labor, medicine, save money. Therefore, we should seize the favorable opportunity to carry out pest and disease control during dormancy of fruit trees. First, clean the orchards: many kinds of pests and diseases are in the dead branches, deciduous, fruit drop, weeds in the winter, so the weeds, dead branches, deciduous and other objects concentrated burned and buried, can greatly reduce pests and diseases in the coming year
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有的人以歌声表达心声,有的人用汽车传达情绪,把两者结合起来,就构成了本期我们推荐的汽车音乐。 Some people voiced their voices in singing, some people use the car t