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根据果树的生长规律,尤其是落叶果树入冬前即已全部落叶而进入休眠状态,直到次年春开始萌芽为止。此期果树病虫亦进入越冬阶段,这是一年当中防治病虫害的重要时期,而往往容易被人们忽视。由于病虫的越冬场所较集中J初越冬病虫或次春气温回升病虫复苏时其抗逆能力弱,易于防 According to the law of the growth of fruit trees, especially deciduous fruit trees have fallen into the dormant state before winter, until the next spring began to sprout. Pests and diseases of this period also entered the winter stage, which is an important period of pest control during the year, and often easily overlooked. As the pests and parasites overwintering places more focus on early winter pests or the next spring temperature rise pest recovery when its resilience weak, easy to prevent
  In the petroleum and natural gas industry,the removal of carbon dioxide,hydrogen sulfide,or other acid constituents from process gas stream is commonly achi
Canon 消费类数码摄像机向来注重静态拍摄的能力,在13 期PC World China 中,Canon MVX250i 的静态拍摄功能就已经给我们留下了深刻的印象,而此次我们测试的MVX20i又将这一
目的 运用静息态功能磁共振成像(resting state functional MRI,rs-fMRI)技术探讨新疆南疆维吾尔族终末期肾病(end-stage renal disease,ESRD)患者低频振荡振幅(amplitude of
投  影  机 一款具有电动聚 / 变焦、开机后可自动搜索信号源、自动调整时钟/相位、自动聚焦、自动垂直梯形校正,甚至可以自动水平梯形校正的投影机应该是怎样的?
目的 研究不同手术时机治疗多发性肋骨骨折(MRF)对免疫反应及并发症的影响.方法 回顾性分析2015年1月—2018年12月四川省内江市第一人民医院及成都医学院第一附属医院胸心外
  We give proofs for some virtual conjectures in some cases using geometrical approach.Along the way some interesting phenomenas are observed.
老人前列腺多肥大,肥大的前列腺有八怕: 一怕烟酒:吴老头现在大有“谈烟酒色变”的架势,因为他有几次深刻教训。一次是老儿子娶媳妇,他一高兴喝多了,儿子、媳妇入了洞房,老