On the Development of English from French Words

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  Abstract: During the development and evolvement of English many other languages have influence on it. Both French and English belong to the Indo-European Family, but French is the most important factor. With the increasing communication of economy, culture and technology, many foreign borrowings have been imported from French. We can find that there are many French words in the English vocabulary. The amount of borrowed words is unbelievable.
  Key Words: French words; English words; influence
  English is a number of the Indo-European family of language. When trace back the historical development of English, people usually divide it into three periods. The first period ——Old English (from A.D. 550 to 1100), West Germanic invades from Jutland and southern Denmark. The second period——Middle English (from 1100 to 1500), with the arrival of the French-speaking government, English began to be heavily influenced by the French and was turned into what we call Anglo-Norman English or Middle English. And the last period——Modern English (from1500 till now), English has now inarguably achieved global status.
  The development of English is a long history. From its historical periods we could get that the second period—Middle English had been shaped by the French language. During the Norman Conquest about 10.000 French words adopted into English, some three-fourths of are still in use today. This French vocabulary is found in every domain; from government and law to art and literature. The decisive factor that a large number of French words poured into English is the Norman Conquest. On 1066, 24, Oct. the Norman Conquer, the French Dutch William, defeated the English and held the Coronation on Christmas Day. After then, the England was been controlled totally under the dominator of the French King. The Conquer William allocated the English land to the French lairds and numbers of French moved into England. At the beginning, French was only spoken by the immigrants of French. Later the dominated class forced everyone should speak French. So at some periods, French became the official language, and it is the language that belongs to the aristocrats’ class. Many people are very proud of mastering and speaking French. We can make a conclusion that Norman Conquer had an undeniable influence on English.
  From that time, many French words began to be brought into English vocabulary. These words were the symbols of the new culture and the new life at that time. And they also stimulated the communion between the dominated classes of the two countries. Take some words for example, people used “castel” (the abode of the French aristocrats’’ class) to present a kind of new building, and this word has been displaced by the word “burg” from the ancient English. In the Peterborough Church, there has a book of chronicle that has been written about in 1155. We can find an article which told about the dominant of the French King Stephen in the book. In this article, there also have many French words, for example, acorden, bataille, curt (court), cutesse (countess), rent, fresor, caritecl (charity), paris (peace), miracle and processium.   In the English history most of the wars broke out in the Middle Age. The generals who commanded the navy and the army spoke French and many battles were in French. In the 16th century, the borrowed words from French were about wars, such like, army, navy, peace, enemy, army, arms, battles, combat, siege, defense, spy, capital, sergeant and so on; these words are still used today. In the 17th century, if a woman in the court of Charles I couldn’t speak French, she must be sneered at. The story of English in the 20th century has been closely linked to the rise of the US as a superpower that has spread the English language alongside its economic, technological and cultural influence in the same period, the international importance of other European languages, especial French, has declined, even though the land and the language of English has been controlled by French.
  Works Cited:
  [1]Basil Blackwell. 1978. A History of the English Language (9th edn) [M] Oxford
  [2]Baugh, A C T Cable. 1993. A History of the English Language (4th end) [M]. London: 4. Rout ledge
  [3]March 29. 2001. China Boosts English. 21st Century. P14
  [4]December 28. 2000. English is the international language. Financial Times
  [5]David Graddol.1997. The Future of English
摘 要:古典诗歌是一门高雅的艺术,在其中承载着太多我们未知的秘密。对于如今从小学习白话文的学生来说,要想将古典诗歌中作者的意图弄明白,体会到作者当时的心理和情感是非常困难的。在本文中,我们主要从诗歌审美意境的创设、审美教学的引导、审美内容的联想和审美题材的适当改写出发来探讨改进这个教学环节的措施。希望能为后人的研究提供指导。  关键词:高中语文;诗歌;审美  一、引言  在高中语文的教学中,诗歌的
摘 要:我国全日制义务教育《普通高中英语课程标准》的实施引起英语教学的巨大改革,最为明显的变化是教材打破了人教版教材一统天下的局面。在“一纲多本”的原则下, 2004年通过国家中小学教材审定委员会通过的普通高中英语课程标准实验教材有7套,各地区在考虑自己教学实际情况的基础上自主选择教材。  本文以两套教材(人教版和外研社版)的必修1为样本对比两套教材的教学理念、教学目标、教学方法、教学内容和教材结
摘 要:切入点指的是教师在上一节新课时采用何种方式来对开始自己的课程,一套科学的切入方法对学生来说能够帮助他们更快地投入到语文课文的学习当中,让他们取得更高的效率。  关键词:语文教学;切入点;选择  如何上好一堂课是很多教师一直以来研究的问题,俗话说“万事开头难”,因此语文教师如果能够在课堂开始阶段选取一个新颖的东西作为切入点,肯定能将学生吸引到你的课堂当中,这样教师自然能够上好这堂课。  一、
一、“数列与差分”专题设置的意义  “数列与差分”这章内容本是大学内容,随着新课改的进行,将这节内容比较浅显的部分划分为了高中选修内容。这一章节的选择是按照新课程标准的要求,将时代性、应用性、先进性思想融入到数学学习的理念之中。数学是研究数字关系与图形关系,或者数字与图形之间的关系的学科,研究数学的意义在于更好的服务于其他科学,也为今后的学习和生活打下坚实的基础。数学是一门实用性学科,将生产生活和
摘 要:Antithesis作为英语修辞中的一种辞格, 虽然与汉语修辞格“对照”、“对比”、“对偶”、或“平行对照”相似,但不可以等同。由于英汉两种语言分属两种不同的语系,Antithesis的具体应用也大有不同。本文通过论述Antithesis在英汉语言中应用的差别,详细阐述了产生这种差别的原因,进而提出了相应的解决措施,以期对英汉互译产生影响。  关键词:Antithesis;英语修辞;英汉对
摘 要:马克思通过对“异化劳动”的全面分析与揭露,从而深刻地批判了资本主义人的异化与片面发展的严酷的现实,因而这一“异化劳动”理论既为后来马克思“人的全面发展”理论提供了可靠的理论前提,也成为西方“现代性”批判理论的先声,具有深远而重大的理论意义。  关键词:异化; 共产主义; 人的全面发展  随着马克思主义理论的不断研究和深入推广,人的自由全面发展成为一个现实的、可行的理论基点。马克思“扬弃”了
摘 要:随着新课程改革的不断推进,强化学科教学设计中人力资源与人本资源意识,提高对人力资源与人本资源的认识水平,因地制宜地开发和利用各种资源,更好地实现课程改革的目标,是每一位中学政治教师必须面对的一个十分重要而又紧迫的课题。  关键词:思想政治;教学设计;人力资源  教学设计就是对教学方法、学习方式做出战略性规划。新课程理念下的思想政治课堂教学设计,就是以思想政治课程标准界定的基本理念为指导,规
摘 要:高职院校自主招生这项新政策是我国高等教育招生录取工作中一项重要改革,是进一步扩大高职院校办学自主权,让学校录取到符合自身培养目标的专业人才,深化高职院校招生录取制度改革的重要举措,同时也是选拔各级各类优秀创新人才的新探索。本文通过对高职院校自主招生的历史沿革和背景进行分析,探讨了高职校园自主招生的现实意义,以期为高职院校如何录取到“合适”的生源,考生如何能够就读心仪的院校和专业,提供一些指
摘 要:坚持以人为本、以群众的需求为导向、以群众满意为标准,将贯彻落实国家的政策法规与保障群众的合法权益有机结合起来,积极推进避孕节育知情选择工程,切实维护广大育龄群众避孕节育的知情选择权,对于保障妇女的身心健康,推动国家计划生育工作的开展,具有十分重要的意义。  关键词:节育措施;知情选择权;探讨  公民避孕节育措施知情选择权的实施对于落实以人为本的科学发展观和习近平总书记提出的党的群众路线实践
数学活动不仅是“数学认知活动。”而且也是在情感心态的参与下进行的传感活动。 学习心态是学生学习时的心理状态,成功的数学活动往往是伴随着最佳心态产生的。那么怎样构成小学生学习数学的最佳心态呢?我认为,要构成数学学习最佳心态,就必须使学生在学习过程中有一种愉悦感、轻松感、严谨感和成功感。  一、愉悦感  愉悦感是积极情感的心理表现,具有主动积极学习的倾向性,它是数学学习最佳心态的催化剂。学生在学习中有