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要成为一名合格的人民教师,首先需要有较高的政治思想素质,也需要掌握扎实的基础知识.除此之外.是否还有其他条件呢?能否当好教师是否还同人的心理素质有关?哪些类型的更容易适应和胜任教师工作?为回答这些问题,上海市教育科学研究所的研究人员对去年教师节前夕受到市级部门表彰,和前两年荣获全国或上海市优秀班主任称号的438名中学、小学和幼儿园的优秀教师,进行了问卷调查和个性测量.根据这些优秀教师的意见,中学、小学和幼儿园教师的智力水平都应当至少在中等水平以上(即高于50%的同龄人).大多数优秀教师认为,人的性格与能否当好教师有关.适宜当教师的性格类型依次是:中间偏外型,中间型,中间偏内型.很内向的人和很外向的人则不宜当教师.同时,教师应具有多种能力,若把这些具备的能力依其对教育工作的重要性来进行排列,它们是组织管理能力、口头表达能力、观察能力、思维能力、阅读能力、创造和想象能力、记 To become a qualified teacher of the people, we must first have a high political and ideological quality, as well as a solid basic knowledge. In addition, are there any other conditions? Can the teacher be a good friend of the same person? Regarding what types of teachers are more easily adapted and qualified to work, in order to answer these questions, researchers from the Shanghai Institute of Educational Sciences were honored by the municipal department on the eve of the Teachers’ Day last year, and were awarded the title of the National or Shanghai Excellent Class Teacher in the previous two years. 438 outstanding teachers from secondary schools, elementary schools and kindergartens conducted questionnaire surveys and personality measurements. According to the opinions of these outstanding teachers, the intelligence level of middle school, elementary school and kindergarten teachers should be at least above the middle level (ie, higher than 50% (Peer). Most of the outstanding teachers believe that the personality of a person is related to whether or not they are good teachers. It is appropriate to be a character type of the teacher in the order of: middle and outer, middle, middle and inner. Very introvert and very outgoing. People should not be teachers. At the same time, teachers should have a variety of capabilities. If these capabilities are ranked according to their importance to educational work, they are organizations. Management ability, oral expression ability, observation ability, thinking ability, reading ability, creativity and imagination ability, in mind
1 1966、1976、1986、1996、2006这五个数的总和是多少? 提示:1986×5。 2 每边长是10厘米的正方形纸片,正中间挖了一个正方形的洞,成为一个宽度是一厘米的方框,把五个这样