Electrochemical processing of spent nuclear fuels:An overview of oxide reduction in pyroprocessing t

来源 :Progress in Natural Science:Materials International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanleilei
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The electrochemical reduction process has been used to reduce spent oxide fuel to a metallic form using pyroprocessing technology for a closed fuel cycle in combination with a metal-fuel fast reactor.In the electrochemical reduction process,oxides fuels are loaded at the cathode basket in molten Li_2O–LiCl salt and electrochemically reduced to the metal form.Various approaches based on thermodynamic calculations and experimental studies have been used to understand the electrode reaction and efficiently treat spent fuels.The factors that affect the speed of the electrochemical reduction have been determined to optimize the process and scale-up the electrolysis cell.In addition,demonstrations of the integrated series of processes(electrorefining and salt distillation) with the electrochemical reduction have been conducted to realize the oxide fuel cycle.This overview provides insight into the current status of and issues related to the electrochemical processing of spent nuclear fuels. The electrochemical reduction process has been used to reduce spent oxide fuel to a metallic form using pyroprocessing technology for a closed fuel cycle in combination with a metal-fuel fast reactor. In electrochemical reduction process, oxides fuels are loaded at the cathode basket in molten Li 2 O-LiCl salt and electrochemically reduced to the metal form. Various approaches based on thermodynamic calculations and experimental studies have been used to understand the electrode reaction and efficiently treat spent fuels. These factors that affect the speed of the electrochemical reduction have been determined to optimize the process and scale-up of the electrolysis cell. addition, demonstrations of the integrated series of processes (electrorefining and salt distillation) with the electrochemical reduction have been conducted to realize the oxide fuel cycle. This overview provides insight into the current status of and issues related to the electrochemical processing of spent nuclear fuels .
家庭是孩子的第一所学校,父母是孩子的第一任老师。家庭教育作为在人类社会整个教育体系中的一个有机组成部分,其重要性是不容置疑的,对孩子一生成长的影响之大是不言而喻的。但是,在目前的家庭教育中,存在着一些不容忽视的偏向与误区。  一、家长过度的保护使孩子变得无能  孩子生下来是需要保护的, 18岁之前家长都有监护的义务,为什么会说过度的保护?过度的保护是指该孩子做的事情家长也替他做了。比如说衣食住行吧
【摘 要】能引起心灵互动的数学评语,有利于促进学生的发散性思维和形成创新意识;更有利于沟通师生之间的情感,调动学生的学习积极性,促使学生养成良好的数学学习习惯。  【关键词】数学作业 评语 体会  有人说:“教师的语言如钥匙,能打开学生心灵的窗户;如火炬,能照亮学生的未来;如种子,能深埋在学生的心里。”是的,只要是来自于老师的,无论是一句赞美的话,一个赞许的微笑,还是一则善意的批评,都能激
【摘 要】初中生都是处在半成熟的心理成长时期,我们要在心理学教学方式里加入学生心理健康教育,以心理教学中的聆听学生心理、实例分析引导、促使学生团结协作等方式对他们实施心理成长历程教育,这样可以更好的帮助他们内心心理的提高,再对他们实施进一步的引导教育。  【关键词】初中生 心理健康教育 研究探析  在当前社会中,教育学是在持续进步发展的。当前社会所普及提倡的是对学生的素质教育,而怎样使素质教育可以
【摘 要】随着新课程改革进程地不断深化,各种创新性的教学方法及理念应运而生。新课改标准指出,在实际的课堂教学之中,应该注重自主探究性学习模式的实施。本文主要攫取了小学数学作为研究对象,对小学数学自主探究性学习进行详细的阐述,旨在为小学数学学习提供一种创新性的方法。  【关键词】小学数学 自主性学习 探究性学习  引言  倡导自主、合作以及探究的学习方式,为目前新一轮课程改革的精髓之所在。这
信息技术是一门新兴学科,融知识与技能于一体,已列入教育计划且是高一年级的必修课,其目的是使学生了解计算机的基础知识,学会计算机的基本操作。因而,对于信息技术教师来说探讨该学科的教学内容、方法及计算机辅助教学,以适应社会的需要和学生的发展就显得尤为重要了。动手(上机操作)是本学科一个最大的特点,在整个教学中占有重要地位。这就要求我们不断地探索教学方法,以便在有限的时间里提高教学效果。  一、教学方法