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读故事,学英语是培养小学生学习兴趣,思维品质,文化意识的重要途径,同时也是初学者的难点。多数老师采取传统教学法,通过机械操练词汇、句型输入语言知识,严重忽视小学生的兴趣需要及二语习得规律,致使学生产生焦虑,丧失信心甚至厌学,最终导致小学英语教学走进了“应试英语”、“聋哑英语”的悲剧。新课标倡导激发对英语学习的兴趣和自信心,而游戏就具备此特点,所以它与教学的结合既符合儿童天性,又提高教学效率。本文基于此理念,相关学习理论和二语习得理论研究,探讨了游戏教学法在小学英语故事教学中的应用,并以英国牛津大学出版社原版引进的《典范英语》具体说明,为教师教学提供理论和实践参考。 Reading stories and learning English is an important way to cultivate pupils’ interest in learning, thinking quality and cultural awareness. It is also a difficulty for beginners. Most teachers adopt traditional teaching methods to input language knowledge through mechanically practicing vocabulary and sentence patterns. They seriously neglect the interest needs of pupils and the rules of second language acquisition, resulting in anxiety, loss of confidence and even tiredness of students, which eventually leads to the coming into primary English teaching “Test English ”, “deaf and dumb English ” tragedy. The new curriculum advocacy inspire interest and confidence in English learning, and the game has this feature, so it combines the teaching of both children’s nature and improve teaching efficiency. Based on this concept, the related learning theory and the second language acquisition theory, this article discusses the application of the game pedagogy in the teaching of primary school English stories. It also explains the “model English” introduced by the original edition of the Oxford University Press, Provide theoretical and practical reference.
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民国成立后,孙中山先生于1912年11月、12月、1916年8月、9月四度亲临浙江视察,对未来的国家建设做出精辟的分析和高屋建瓴的总体规划,体现出伟大的民 After the founding of