Please protect our environment

来源 :校园英语·月末 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:www_acafa_com
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  The earth is the cradle of life. She gave us everything she needed to survive. Without her, we could not survive for a moment. However, with the advancement of science and technology and the rapid development of society, human beings are consciously entering into the erroneous zone of predatory resource utilization and destructive production in order to meet the growing demand for material life.
  Because people’s negative influence on industrial development is not expected to be sufficient, and prevention is unfavorable, it leads to three major global crises: shortage of resources, environmental pollution, and ecological destruction. Environmental pollution refers to natural or man-made damage, the addition of certain substances to the environment that exceeds the self-purification capacity of the environment and causes harm. (Or due to human factors, the environment is contaminated by harmful substances, and the growth and reproduction of the organism and the normal life of human beings are adversely affected.) As human factors cause the composition or state of the environment to change, the environmental quality declines, thus disrupting and destroying. Ecosystem and human normal production and living conditions. In the world we live in, on the one hand, industrial sewage flows into rivers, lakes, and seas. The sky is filled with black smoke and dust and piles of rubbish. On the other hand, the area of ??forests has been drastically reduced, desertification of lands, climate variability, acid rain, droughts, frequent ecological disasters, depletion of water resources and natural resources... Human survival and development are facing environmental degradation. As a serious threat, the Earth and its residents seem to have entered a high-risk area. The alarm bell has already sounded, but human beings are still too pale for the deterrence of the environmental deterioration process.
  The beautiful earth environment is the basis on which we depend. However, whenever our self-interests and environmental interests are in conflict with each other, humans always focus on immediate interests and self-interests, while environmental interests are left behind by us. In real life, we use a large amount of disposable chopsticks in pursuit of so-called “hygiene”. The price paid for this is the destruction of the forest, the loss of water and soil, and the ecological imbalance; in order to obtain a precious fur, tiger bone, to meet the small The appetite for food, some people risked illegally, wildly killing wild animals... According to statistics, the development of human industrialization for more than a hundred years, especially in recent decades, with the continuous upgrading of industrialization and the increase of other human activities The extinction rate of species is a thousand times faster than the rate of natural extinction. If humans do not control their behaviors, our descendants will not see other creatures other than humans, and they may even be unable to survive on this planet, and humans will also face extinction. This is by no means alarmist. Faced with the evil consequences of our own hands, in the face of those who have passed away, are about to die, and those who are living under the slasher of humans.   The alarm bell has long been heard! The environment needs our protection, and our home needs us to build. The social assessment of environmental pollution is related to the social system, the level of civilization, the level of technological and economic development, the customs, customs, philosophy, and laws of the nation. Some potentially dangerous pollution factors, because of their chronic hazard, often do not attract people’s attention, and some realistic, directly-understood factors are vulnerable to social attention. If the river is polluted gradually, people often pay little attention to it, and social disputes due to noise, smoke, etc. are common.
  In fact, each of us can do many things to protect the environment we live in, such as recycling used batteries, saving water and electricity, not eating chewing gum, not throwing garbage, not using plastic bags, not using disposable chopsticks, planting trees, and greening mountains; Towns and villages carry out large-scale environmental publicity and education activities on the theme of “protecting nature and protecting the environment” and call on everyone to take immediate action to protect our homes and create a beautiful and harmonious environment for human life.
  The earth is our common home. Respecting the earth means respecting life, saving the earth is to save the future, and protecting the ecological balance means protecting humanity. Sky blue green, beautiful mountains and rivers is our common pursuit and ideals. In order to build our green home better and to leave a green world for our children and grandchildren, let us start now, start from me, protect our earth, and protect our own human beings!
【摘要】近年来,英语口语技能竞赛不断出现在各大高职院校比赛中,它不仅展现出高职高专学生的英语风采,也给指导教师提出了时代的新要求,而且高职英语教学改革指明了方向。本文笔者将从英语口语技能竞赛的考查内容入手,分析高职英语口语现状,并提出三种具体的教学策略,初步探索英语口语竞赛指导下的教学改革方向。  【关键词】高职英语口语技能竞赛;教学改革  【作者简介】黄思杨,大理农林职业技术学院。  近年来,全
【摘要】大学英语是一门语言类学科,具有较强的实用性,强调培养学生的英语专业应用能力和沟通交流能力。在大学英语教学过程中,教师应该采取切实可行的教学方法,注重学生英语沟通交流技巧与英语基础能力的培养,引导学生利用所学的英语知识为自身的发展而服务,以此增强学生的英语能力,提高教学效率。本文针对英语学习策略教学在大学英语教学中的实践展开分析。  【关键词】英语学习策略教学;大学英语;实践  【作者简介】
【摘要】线上、线下同步教学实践对大学英语教师的信息化素养提出了要求。基于TPACK 的大学英语教师教学共同体的构建有助于从整体上提升教師的教学信息化素养,优化教师的知识结构框架,实现学科教学知识、教学法与信息技术的进一步融合,从而达到提高教学质量、实现教学改革和创新的目的。  【关键词】TPACK; 教学共同体; 信息技术  【作者简介】何小香(1979-),女,浙江淳安人,杭州电子科技大学外国语
【摘要】本文从电影片名的市场功能角度入手,以电影学的类型电影的经济策略为理论依据,探讨恐怖电影中文译名的相似之处,认为恐怖电影在片名翻译时借鉴前作的关键字对电影片名进行改写,意在吸引恐怖片影迷观影。本研究连接了电影学理论和翻译学两个领域,拓展了翻译学的研究领域。  【关键词】片名翻译类型电影;恐怖电影;戏仿电影  【作者简介】田春霖(1995-),男,陕西西安人,西安外国语大学高级翻译学院,教师,
一座孤坟前,一个满脸沧桑的老人,跪了下去,磕了一个响头。  站在老人身边的小男孩,眨巴着清澈的大眼睛:“爷爷,你说最爱祖奶奶,为何她的墓碑上,没有你的名字?”  眼泪,从老人的眼窝里涌了出来,回忆的闸门,一下就打开。那是二十年前,从A市要修一条高速公路到B市,制定了两套方案。可以从来县,也可以从蒲县经过。  这条高速公路,不管从什么地方经过,蒲县的县委书记李坚都很高兴,因为来县是他的家乡,蒲县是他
【摘要】文章以具身认知理论为基础,讨论了具身认知的起源,内容以及具身认知分别于学习和教学的联系得出结论人类所持有的认知是具身的,是感觉知觉相互影响的成果。二语学习者应该明确认知体系,通过关注肢体语言建立认知思维。二语语言教师应了解如何运用具身认知更好地传授知识。  【关键词】具身认知理论;学习;二语教学  【作者简介】代杨(1996-),女,汉族,陕西渭南人,延安大学外国语学院,在读研究生,研究方
父母双双遇难时,万鲲和万鹏这对双胞胎才十二岁。家徒四壁,兄弟俩抱头痛哭。  万鲲说:“弟弟,寒冷的冬天就要来了,咱家在这深山老林,又没有足够的米面和柴禾,还是趁早找个出路吧!”  万鹏说:“爹娘都是逃到这里的难民,也没啥亲戚,咱们去投奔谁呢?对了,我听说云隐寺有位慧悲法师,武功很高,德行也好,咱们去找他吧!”  餐风饮露四五天,兄弟俩终于到了云隐寺。一见到碧眼方瞳的慧悲法师,万鲲叩头就拜:“大慈大
1  周沛民是贵都公寓的门卫,是个地地道道出生在上海的本地人。因为戴一副眼镜,大家称呼他“四眼”“阿民”。阿民六十出头,有个生病的老婆,生活所迫,阿民又没有其他本事,也就只好来这里三班倒了。  琳琳住在这个小区,每天进出感觉这个门卫对她总是客客气气的,琳琳也以笑相迎。琳琳是个大学生,从小她妈妈就让她学拉小提琴,所以,每个星期六她要去上小提琴老师那儿上课。这天真是不凑巧,刚出小区大门,她的皮鞋鞋跟掉
1  比尔是个古董商人,十五年前他和朋友拉尔森从外国来到这座城市合伙开了家古玩店。后来,随着生意越做越大,两人分道扬镳各开了一家店。  和许多富翁一样,比尔喜欢住山顶别墅。他有好几部豪车,哪部旧了,他就往院墙外一停,以此来炫富。这天,他出门一看,一部旧车的前车窗玻璃上居然有幅画:一个蒙面持枪歹徒隐藏在路旁草丛中,正用枪瞄准路上慢跑健身的他。  比尔惊出一身冷汗,暗想,那幅画究竟是无聊人的恶作剧,还