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因为工作关系,我又一次来到江苏省靖江市季市中学,又一次听到了余中云老师的讲课。这次听课的内容是试卷评讲,因为他们学校中考刚刚结束。一般地说,试卷评讲不易讲好,但是我听了余老师的课以后,感觉很好。评讲中,他不是光说答案对错,而是将错的原因与解题的思路和技巧熔于一炉,使学生知道“哪儿错”,还知道“为什么错”、“下次不会再错”等内容。课堂上师生相互问答,气氛活跃,轻松自如,没有一点枯燥之感。课后我问学生,学生也一致反映“很好”,并说,“平时我们就喜欢听余老师的语文课”。 “为什么余老师的课会受到学生的喜欢呢?”我带着这样的问题与余中云老师进行了一次 Because of my working relationship, I once again came to Jishi Middle School in Jingjiang City, Jiangsu Province and once again heard the lecture given by Teacher Yu Zhongyun. The content of the lecture was the evaluation of the test paper because their school entrance examination had just ended. In general, the assessment of the test paper is not easy to tell, but after listening to Yu’s class, I feel very good. In the commentary, he did not just say that the answer was right or wrong, but melted the cause of the mistake and the ideas and techniques of solving the problem in a furnace so that the students knew “what is wrong” and he also knew “why wrong” and “would not Wrong again“ and so on. In the classroom, the teachers and students answered each other’s questions. The atmosphere was lively and relaxed and there was no sense of boringness. After the class, I asked the students that the students also reflected “very good” and said, “We usually like to listen to Yu’s language lesson”. ”Why is the teacher’s class liked by the students?" I took this problem with Yu Zhongyun once
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1991年9月号问题解答 (解答由供题人给出) 7.在Rt△ABC中,AD为斜边BC上的高,在AB、AC上各取一点M、N,满足DM⊥DN。试证:△BDM与△CDN的外接圆外切且直线MN是这两圆的一条公
1991年6月号问题解答 (解答由供题人给出) 1.设x≥y≥1,求证: 并确定等号成立的条件。解设x+1=2p~2,y+1=2q~2,其中P≥q≥1,则欲证不等式等价于若p≠q,则上式等价于易证p+q-1
分析比较九一至九三年的高考化学试题,都体现了如下的一些特点,并由此可推知今年试题的某些趋势。 1.稳定性:这三年来的试题在题量、题型配分、内容、难度等方面都保持相对
一、常见的规律: 1.原子结构递变规律:随着核电荷数增加:①电子层数由2层递增到6层。②原子半径由小到大。 2.元素性质递变规律: N、P、As、Sb、Bi随着核电荷数增加,元素
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