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为提高职工的业务能力与综合素质,特别是新常态下如何推进保护区各项工作的有效开展,罗山保护区于2015年6月29日—7月4日,举办为期6天的培训班,其中理论学习4天,保护区实习2天。局机关26人,各管理站46人共计72人参加培训。开班仪式由管理局书记仇智虎主持,局长刘高峰对讲师及课程进行介绍,并重点阐述此次培训的课程及意义,宣教科科长田会刚重点强调了学习纪律和要求等。为使本次培训班起到很好的效果,我局共聘请宁 In order to improve the professional ability and comprehensive quality of staff and workers, and especially how to promote the effective implementation of various tasks under the new normal in the protected areas, the six-day training course was held in the Luo Shan Nature Reserve from June 29 to July 4, 2015 , Of which theoretical study 4 days, 2 days internship in protected areas. 26 administrations, a total of 72 management stations 46 people attended the training. The opening ceremony was presided over by Secretary of the Authority Qiu Zhihu. Director Liu Gaofeng introduced the lecturers and courses and focused on the courses and significance of the training. Chief Field Officer Tian Huigang emphasized the study of discipline and requirements. In order to make this training course play a very good effect, our bureau hired Ning
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