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本文从国内外高校外语教学的大背景出发,从多元思维的哲学理解和本文中的特定含义、多元思维模式下的知识体建构体系及反思要素几个方面尝试对高校外语教学的多元思维模式进行研究和探讨,旨在打破长期以来固有框架概念,从全新角度阐释并思考多元思维模式培养的必要性和可行性。 Based on the background of foreign language teaching in colleges and universities at home and abroad, from the philosophical understanding of multi-thinking and the specific meaning in this article, the system of knowledge structure in multi-dimensional mode of thinking and the reflection elements, this paper attempts to make multi-dimensional thinking modes of foreign language teaching in colleges and universities Research and discussion aimed to break the longstanding concept of the inherent framework and to explain and consider the necessity and feasibility of cultivating a multi-dimensional thinking model from a new perspective.
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