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從最近各方報紙上的報導,我們知道美國已在日本大规模地從事細菌武器的製造,企圖用其滅絕人性的手段,毒害我中朝兩國的軍民。美國這種慘無人道的罪行,最後必然受到全體愛好和平人民的最嚴厲的懲罰! 另一方面,正如蘇聯科學院微生物學研究所所長伊姆舒納茨基教授於3月24日對塔斯社記者所指出的:蘇聯微生物學家們的一切努力都針對着向那些引起疾病的種種細菌進行鬥爭,尋求新的抗菌藥物用來制止疾病;而美國帝國主義者却用鉅欵創辦“死亡制造廠”,在那些地方培養和制造著大量的鼠疫、炭疽熱、傷寒及其他疾病的細菌。 從這一件事情上,分明地說明了蘇聯的科學家們正努力於如何克服自然,支配自然,以提高廣大人民群衆的生活水平;而美日帝國主義的罪徒們,正正相反,却利用微生物來大規模地毀滅人類! 這篇文章原載於英國1950年12月出版的“發現”(Discovery)雜誌上,作者賓沙(Chapman Pincher)以超然的純技術的觀點,無關痛癢地叙述了生物學戰爭的發展歷史及其所知的現狀,。但這一切,對於全世界勞動人民來說,確是一個嚴重的“發现”!這讓我們認清了帝國主義者真正的嘴臉!我們應以最大的警惕,把抗美援朝運動更深入一層。因此,在今天譯出這一篇文章是具有很大教育意義的——譯者附言。 As reported in recent newspapers in various quarters, we know that the United States has engaged in the manufacture of bacteriological weapons on a large scale in Japan in an attempt to use its extinction of humanity to poison our military and civilian counterparts in China and North Korea. On the other hand, as Professor Ichenhunatski, director of the Institute of Microbiology at the Soviet Academy of Sciences, pointed out to a Tass news agency on March 24, the inhuman crimes of the United States must inevitably be punished by the most severely punished people. : All the efforts of the Soviet microbiologists are aimed at fighting against the bacteria that cause disease and seeking new antimicrobial agents to stop the disease. The American imperialists, however, set up “death factories” with giant jellyfish, Local training and manufacture of a large number of plague, anthrax, typhoid fever and other diseases of bacteria. From this point of view, it is clear that Soviet scientists are trying to overcome nature and dominate nature in order to raise the standard of living of the broad masses of the people. On the contrary, U.S. and Japanese imperialist criminals have used Microorganisms Destroy Humanity on a Large Scale! This article was originally published in the December 1950 issue of Discovery in the United Kingdom. The author, Chapman Pincher, described the creature with a transcendent purely technical point of view Learn the history of the war and its known status quo. All this, however, is indeed a serious “discovery” for working people all over the world. This gives us a clear understanding of the true face of the imperialists. We should take the utmost vigilance to bring the anti-US aid movement to a deeper level. Therefore, it is of great educational significance to translate this article today.
摘要:思维能力是通过分析、综合、概括、抽象、比较、具体化和系统化等一系列过程,是对感性材料进行加工并转化为理性认识及解决问题的能力。数学教学过程中可以通过逻辑思维与非逻辑思维的训练,思维方法、思维过程、思维转换的训练,注重通过练习培养思维3种途径,不断提高学生的思维能力。  关键词:思维能力 培养    人们在工作、学习、生活中每逢遇到问题,总要“想一想”,这种“想”,就是思维,而这样想问题的能力
蘇聯全國醫學科學研究機關的組織 蘇聯全國共有500多個醫學研究單位,除蘇聯保健部直屬的研究所及蘇聯醫學科學院所屬的研究單位外,其餘研究單位分散在各加盟共和國及各城市
本报讯7月30日获悉,中晶科技日前展示出多款扫描仪,其中最引人注目的是具有自动对焦功能的专业级扫描仪——ArtixScan F1。 WASHINGTON July 30 was informed that Zhongjin