What is missing from the Spoken English classroom? : The gap between classroom learning and real wo

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  【Abstract】One of the difficulties faced by many English learners is taking the knowledge learnt in the classroom and applying it to real world situations.Simply participating in class does not guarantee that a student will be able to cope in real world interactions, especially in casual or informal settings.Many structured teaching materials in classroom have missed out significant elements which reflect the nature of informal communication.Several factors will be discussed here that could affect the quality of spoken language teaching materials in the classroom.These include the structure and content of teaching materials and classroom activities, the types of external resources used in class or recommended as a complementary learning tools, and the way that specific skills are taught.Identifying these areas of weaknessallows students to develop the practical skills to independently bridge the gap between classroom activities and real life interactions.
  Structure and Content of Classroom Activities
  From the outset, the key structural features of many classroom conversation activities do not accurately imitate the pattern of real life conversation.In terms of the common formulation of Question-Answer sequence teaching materials, Sinclair and Coulthard (1975)talk about “adjacency pairs” that have the tendency to determine or restrict the range of the “second pair part”(p.37).This means that students are taught a list of set answers, rather than the skills to create new, appropriate answers to each question.Similarly, Richards and Schmidt(1983)claim that the material structure of the questions are treated as “information questions” with short replies such as ‘Yes, I can’ or ‘No, I can’t’(p.113).This leads to the English leaners finding it difficult to give appropriate or alternative replies in informal interactions.The interactions occurring in the daily life are unexpected, random and spontaneous which create the difficulties for students to simply apply the knowledge from text books or classroom.It must be acknowledged that no set materials can reflect the variety and complexity of real communication, which is by nature spontaneous, interactive and dynamic.
  Kraut,Fish, Root
【摘要】英语专业翻译是应用性非常强的一门课程,而课程实习在该门课中意义非常。本文对翻译课程实习的设计、实施过程、实施效果、存在问题及改进方法等方面进行实证研究,探索翻译课程实习的最佳途径。  【关键词】翻译 课程实习 翻译实践  英语本科专业为全国独立学院开设最多的专业。面对逐年增长的就业压力,英语专业就业要清楚意识到社会对外语人才需求格局的变化更好好地满足社会经济与区域发展的需要。根据教育部对独
【摘要】“接地气”是十八大以来的新名词,指的是领导干部为广大人民做好事、做实事,才能得民心。英语教学中的“接地气”,就是要求教师采用适合学生接受的教学方法,以激发学生的学习积极性,提高教学效益。文章提出英语教学也要“接地气”的论题,并探讨“接地气”的实践策略。  【关键词】初中英语 英语教学 “接地气” 主要策略  “接地气”是十八大以来的流行语之一,“接地气”就是顺民意、得民心,简单说就是顺乎人
【Abstract】Emily Bronte created one of the greatest novels in 19th British literary history---Wuthering Heights.Through this works,the writers tries to severely criticize the feature in western civiliz
【摘要】随着城市化进程的加快和农村产业结构的调整,进城务工人员的队伍也在不断壮大,外来农民工子女随父母就近入学的现象也日益显著。受地域限制和家庭环境的影响,相对来说大部分农民工子女的学习问题层出不穷,这对我们的课堂教学尤其是英语教学提出了挑战。因而,如何让这些孩子提升英语学习兴趣,使他们在浓浓的学习氛围中养成良好的学习习惯,享受英语学习的乐趣?这些都是值得深思和探讨的问题。  【关键词】农民工子女
【摘要】要提高初中英语学困生阅读能力需要有效引进阅读材料,创意开发阅读活动,无形渗透策略指导,立体融合课内课外。原版分级读物的阅读,可以大大提高英语学困生的阅读能力。  【关键词】分级读物 英语学困生 阅读能力  由于英语学困生英语词汇的欠缺,没有好的英语学习习惯,导致很多英语学困生认为自己根本无法阅读英语文本,更遑论英语原版读物。笔者通过实践发现适量涉及相应程度的原版分级读物,能够有效提高英语学
【摘要】本文以译介学理论为基础,介绍了英语意识流小说,主要是美国意识流小说家威廉·福克纳的代表作品——《喧哗与骚动》在新时期中国的翻译与传播,以及其在新时期中国成为代表性意识流作品之一的原因。  【关键词】《喧哗与骚动》 英语意识流小说 新时期中国 翻译与传播  一、引言  《喧哗与骚动》(1892)是美国南方文学巨擘威廉·福克纳(1897-1962)的代表作品,也是美国第一部真正意义上的意识流小
【摘要】本文从译者行为批评的问题意识、译学传承及翻译界近些年所说的“转向”,既包括翻译研究方面的转变,也包括翻译实践、翻译教学和翻译批评方面的变化进行探讨。“译者行为批评”根植于中国译学的传统。翻译研究“转向”虽然体现了跨学科研究的特性,但也容易引发误解、不反映翻译研究现实等问题,反映出部分学者不专业、不关注翻译行业的变动。  【关键词】译者行为批评的问题 中国译论 翻译研究 转向  引言  “转
与去年比较,今年的试题难度有所降低,试题突出了知识的基础性和综合性,以主干知识为主,注意在知识网络交汇点设计试题,着力体现概念性、思辨性和应用的广泛性,同时在数学思想、理性思维以及数学潜能方面作了比较深入的考查,除了个别试题计算量较大外,大部分试题平和稳定,似曾相识,但同时稳中有变,推陈出新,下面笔者结合失分较多题目进行说明。    注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文