
来源 :四川果树资料汇编 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fzyfmm
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凉山是苹果发展的新区,苹果种植地带的地理条件复杂,同时果实也逐年增多,到苹果成熟时,集中采收不但果实供应市场不持久,而且劳力和运输安排也有一定困难。为了摸索不同海拔地区苹果适宜采收和贮藏期合理搭配,达到季产年销,平衡供应;同时又能合理安排好劳力和运输。我们原拟在越西、布拖、昭觉分别进行试验。但由于一九七七年经费困难未能按原计划执行,只在本所果园采摘了部分苹果进行试验。 Liangshan is a new area where apple is developed. The geographical conditions of the apple planting area are complicated. At the same time, the fruit is also increased year by year. When the apple is ripe, the concentrated harvest not only prolongs the market for the fruit supply but also has some difficulties in labor and transportation arrangements. In order to explore different regions suitable for apple harvesting and storage of a reasonable mix of annual sales to achieve seasonal, balanced supply; at the same time can reasonably arrange labor and transport. We originally intended to conduct tests in Vietnam, Bu drag, Zhaojue. However, due to difficulties in funding in 1977, it was not implemented as originally planned. Only part of the apples were harvested in our orchard for testing.
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