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人类的一切正常性状都是遗传与环境相互作用的结果,很多疾病与遗传有关。近几十年来由于医疗卫生事业的发展,传染病气,流行病在人群中的发病率逐渐降低,而遗传性疾病的发病率在相对地逐渐增加。目前在临床上已确定为眼遗传病的有200余种,全身或其他系统遗传病在眼部有表现的又有400多种。眼遗传病对视功能的危害很大,据统计大城市约半数盲童的致盲原因是遗传性疾病。由于眼遗传病的病种多、发病广、危害大,因此要求眼科医生都能熟悉现代遗传学原理及其与眼病的关系,以便能够顺利地阅读文献并提高诊治眼遗 All the normal human traits are the result of the interaction between the heredity and the environment. Many diseases are related to the heredity. In recent decades, due to the development of medical and health undertakings, the prevalence of epidemic diseases in the population has been gradually reduced, and the incidence of genetic diseases has been gradually increasing. At present, there are more than 200 kinds of ocular hereditary diseases that have been clinically confirmed. There are more than 400 kinds of systemic or other systemic genetic diseases that have ocular manifestations. Eye genetic diseases on the visual function of great harm, according to statistics, about half Blind children in the big city of blinding is a genetic disease. Due to the wide variety of ocular hereditary diseases, the wide range of diseases, the great harm, so ophthalmologists are required to be familiar with the principles of modern genetics and the relationship between eye diseases in order to be able to read the literature and improve the diagnosis and treatment of the eye
编辑同志: 兹有我营发生一误服蟾酥的病例。患者服后呕吐,神志尚清,但感到手脚发麻,口腔冒凉风。饮食不佳,日渐消瘦。经化验和检查未发现异常改变。现已20余天,患者依然感觉
A novel coordination polymer, [Cd2Cl4(bpme)]n·n(H2O) (1, bpme=2,5-bis(be-nzoimidazol-2-yl)pyrazine), has been synthesized and its crystal structure was determi
青风藤(Sinomenium acutum Rehd et wils)为防己科植物,又名毛防已。在中国具有治疗神经痛和风湿样疾病的长期历史。从青风藤中分离得到一种生物硷,叫青藤硷(Sinomenine)。