加强思想政治工作 确保改革顺利进行

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去年底,有着40年生产历史的初轧厂整体关闭。在关闭过程中,初轧厂党委一方面认真执行公司决定,坚定不移地按期停产;另一方面,结合初轧厂实际,深入细致地做好思想政治工作,尤其是在做好关门善后工作方面,我们花费的气力更大,体会更深。一、营造“关门”气氛,抓好舆论先导思想舆论先行,是改革的成功之道。作为武钢史上一件大事——整体关闭初轧厂,首当其冲就是要抓好思想舆论的先导。去年下半年,当初轧厂要关闭的风声传到厂内时,全厂一下子象炸开了锅,一时议论纷纷,沸沸扬扬。有的职工认为:“我们都是武钢人,武钢没有垮,我们初轧厂近40年来‘上保钢,下保材’,作出了巨大贡献,为什么叫我们厂停产?”还有的职工认为:“结构调整是上面的事,我又不是不努力工作,又没有犯错误。何况自己‘上有老、下有小’,凭什么要我下岗?”针对以上说法,我们加大了思想舆论先导的力度,开展起“三讲三明”活动。 Late last year, with a 40-year history of the production plant closed the whole roll. In the process of closing down, the party committee of the early rolling mill conscientiously implemented the decision of the company and steadily shut down the production on schedule. On the other hand, combining with the actual practice of the preliminary rolling mill, it thoroughly and meticulously carried out the ideological and political work, As for us, we spent more strength and deeper experience. First, create a “closed” atmosphere, do a good job in the leading opinion of the leading public opinion media, is the reform of the road to success. As a major event in the history of Wuhan Iron and Steel - the overall closure of the early rolling mill, bear the brunt of the leading ideological and public opinion is to do a good job. The second half of last year, when the rolling mill to shut down the wind came to the factory, the whole factory suddenly exploded like a pan, sometimes talked about, uproar. Some workers think: “We are all Wugang people, Wuhan Iron and Steel did not collapse, we have nearly 40 years of rolling plant ’on Paul steel, under the protective material’, made a significant contribution, why did we stop production?” The workers think: “Structural adjustment is the above thing, I am not working hard, and not making mistakes. Not to mention their own ’old, under a small’, why should I laid off?” In view of the above statement, we add Great efforts in the direction of the ideological and public opinion to carry out “three stresses Sanming ” activities.
日本东京大学城市工程系htp://up.t.utokyo.ac,jp/ue/筑波大学社会工学部htp://www.sk.tsukuba.ac,jp/indexns.html大阪大学建筑与城市规划研究所htp://www.arch.eng.osak... Department of Urban Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan htp://up. t. U-tokyo. A
相对于欧美来说,国内的设计师们对于南美的空间设计并不特别熟悉。而本次案例中,著名的巴西设计师Guilherme Torres,以他自己工作室的办公环境,向我们清晰地展示了巴西室内设