
来源 :乙醛醋酸化工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghz2000
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本发明涉及一种用精对苯二甲酸(PTA)残液制得醋酸的自控式蒸馏釜,由外壁、内壁、导热油腔体、搅拌轴、搅拌框、电动机、变速器、液位计和A/D转换器组成。外壁的顶部设有残夜进口和醋酸出口,底部设有残渣出口;内外壁之间形成导热油腔体,蒸馏釜的内腔为真空密封;搅拌框与蒸馏釜内壁间的距离为0.5~5cm;变速器与搅拌轴联接,电动机的主轴与变速器联接;液位计设置在外壁的顶部,监控蒸馏釜内的液位变化,将测得的液位信号通过A/D转换器转换为电信号,传递给蒸馏釜顶部的进料口,当液位达到一定值时可以,进料口将自动打开向蒸馏釜内添加物料。 The invention relates to a self-regulating distillation kettle for preparing acetic acid from residue of purified terephthalic acid (PTA), which comprises an outer wall, an inner wall, a heat conducting oil cavity, a stirring shaft, a stirring frame, a motor, a transmission, / D converter. The top of the outer wall is provided with a residual night inlet and an acetic acid outlet, a residue outlet is arranged at the bottom of the outer wall, a heat conducting oil cavity is formed between the inner wall and the outer wall, the inner cavity of the distillation kettle is sealed in a vacuum and the distance between the stirring frame and the inner wall of the distillation kettle is 0.5-5cm ; The transmission is connected with the stirring shaft, the main shaft of the electric motor is connected with the transmission; the liquid level gauge is arranged at the top of the outer wall to monitor the liquid level change in the distillation pot; the measured liquid level signal is converted into an electrical signal by A / D converter; Conveyor to the top of the distillation pot feeding port, when the liquid level reaches a certain value can be, the feed port will automatically open to the distillation pot to add material.
2002年12月,我科收治3例因使用含氯丙烯的粘合剂而引起的氯丙烯中毒致多发性周围神经损害的患者,现报道如下.  1.一般情况:3例中毒者均为农民临时工,2002年8月26日至2002年12月20日在某个体企业打工,从事坐垫生产工作.
The association of cutaneous lymphoproliferative diseases and primary hyperpa rathyroidism (PHP) is infrequent, with only three cases reported to date. We pre s
Specific cutaneous involvement in Whipple’s disease is extremely ra re. The condition usually runs a chronic course, with symptoms preceding diagnosis by ye ar
任何管理者都应该明白,很多时候,工作出现问题,其实犯错的并不是员工,而是管理者自己。最好的管理者应该是首先管理好自己!管理者应该反思,有没有一套严格入微的管理制度,有没有便于落实的赏罚措施。  上个世纪80年代,年轻的周永腾在澳门福隆街上经营一家小餐馆,开张刚刚两个月,餐馆的经营就变得一团糟:有时候员工们没有把卫生搞干净就下班了;有时候,盘子没有洗干净就用来装菜了……  餐馆的经营额自然随之下滑,
患者男,20岁.双上臂内侧无痛性肿物1年入院.查体:生命体征正常,左、右上臂内侧分见一7 cm×6 cm、8 cm×7 cm质软肿物,基底韧,不光滑,边界欠清,无压痛,与皮肤似有粘连,无波动感,活动度差,皮温正常,无红肿,左、右腋窝各触及一肿大淋巴结,均约2 cm×1.5 cm,圆形,质韧,光滑,无粘连,边界清,无压痛,可活动。
With CO combustion promoters, the role of combustion air flow rate for concerns of economics and control is important. The combustion air is conceptually divide