
来源 :中国慢性病预防与控制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:iours
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目的分析我国非农业职业人群上下班交通方式,为制定相应干预措施提供基础资料。方法使用2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查数据,对我国非农业职业人群11539名(男性6906名,女性4633名)上下班交通情况进行分析。结果我国非农业职业人群步行、骑车、乘车和混合交通方式上下班的比例分别是33.0%,39.4%,14.9%和12.7%,不同年龄组、性别、城乡和家庭收入非农业职业人群交通方式差别有统计学意义(均P<0.01)。步行上下班的非农业职业人群平均每天上下班步行26.6min,骑车上下班的人群平均每天上下班骑车36.8min,乘车上下班的人群平均每天上下班坐车58.4min。不同年龄组、城乡和不同家庭收入人群间平均每天不同交通方式时间有差异。结论我国非农业人群以步行和骑车上下班为主,年龄、性别、地区和家庭收入影响他们的交通方式。 Objective To analyze the modes of commuting to and from get off work for non-agricultural occupations in our country and provide basic information for formulating the corresponding interventions. Methods Using the survey data of nutrition and health status of Chinese residents in 2002, we analyzed the traffic conditions of 11539 non-agricultural occupational groups (6906 males and 4633 females) in our country. Results The proportion of commuting, biking, riding and mixed modes of commuting to non-agricultural occupations in our country was 33.0%, 39.4%, 14.9% and 12.7% respectively. The traffic of non-agricultural occupations of different age group, sex, urban and rural areas and family income The difference was statistically significant (P <0.01). The non-agricultural occupations who walk to and from get off work on average walk 26.6min on a daily basis. The average daily commuting time is 36.8min. The average commuting time is 58.4min per day. Different age groups, urban and rural areas and different family income groups on average different modes of transport time difference. Conclusion Non-agricultural population in China mainly walked and cycled, and their age, gender, region and household income affected their modes of transportation.
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