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为了了解农业社举办小学的可能性,四川省人民委員会办公厅和教育厅組织了一个調查小组,从去年12月6日到12月27日止,到永川县、內江市、資中县跑了20个乡,看了60所农村民办小学,算了160个农业合作社的賬。經过調查以后,我們认为平原、丘陵地区大多数农业社联合举办,个別大型农业社单独举办小学是有条件的。特別是由于生产大跃进,今后农业社的生产一定有很大增加,这样农业社办学的条件会就更好。 現在把調查的情况綜述如下: 一、农村民办小学全部由农业社管起来了 60所农村民办小学中,現已全部由农业社管起来了,其中45所还由农业社补助了經费。这60所中有32所从1956年农业社已管起来了,当时农业社就或多或少地补助了經費的有18所。 In order to understand the possibility of holding primary schools by the Agricultural Society, the Sichuan Provincial People’s Committee General Office and the Education Department organized a survey team to run from December 6 last year to December 27 last year to Yongchuan County, Neijiang City and Zizhong County 20 townships, 60 rural private primary schools read, forget the accounts of 160 agricultural cooperatives. After the investigation, we believe that most of the agricultural cooperatives in the plains and hilly areas are jointly organized. It is conditional that some large-scale agricultural cooperatives organize primary schools separately. In particular, due to the Great Leap Forward in Production, there will certainly be a great increase in the production of agricultural cooperatives in the future so that the conditions for running agricultural schools will be better. The survey is now summarized as follows: I. Private primary schools in rural areas are all managed by the agricultural community. Of the 60 rural private primary schools, all are now managed by the agricultural community, of which 45 are subsidized by the Agricultural Society. Of these 60, 32 have been in charge of the Agricultural Society since 1956, when the Agricultural Society subsidized more or less 18 of them.
现行的高考分类及科目设置的做法基本上是可行的,但还存在一些有待解决的问题。我认为,主要表现在以下两个方面: 一、高考科目偏多,学生负担过重,不利于学生德智体全面发展
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在高中化学第三册电离学说的一章中,有电镀的实验,这是贯彻综合技术教育的最好材料之一;然而, In the chapter on ionization theory in the third volume of high school
本文着重描述软装修的意义和作用,最后描述用软装饰来实现几种主流的室内装修风格。 This article focuses on the meaning and role of soft decoration, and finally desc