The Differences in Bronte Sisters Novel Creation

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  【Abstract】The three sisters living in a wasteland in 1847 launched their “Jane Eyre” and “Wuthering Heights” and “Agnes Grey”.T The main reasons for their differences are the following three aspects: one is the differences of personality and psychology, the other is the difference of life experience, and the other is the different literary spirits influenced of the three.This article starts from the text, carries on the similarities and differences of the Bront three sisters work .
  【Key words】Bronte sisters; novel creation; difference; fusion
  1. Difference in the Performance
  The Tenant of Wildfell Hall is a novel of expectation, love, oppression, sin, religion and betrayal.It portrays the disintegration of the marriage of Helen Huntingdon, the mysterious ‘tenant’ of the title, and herdissolute, alcoholic husband. Defying convention, Helen leavesher husband to protect their young son from his father’s influence, and earns her own living as an artist. Whilst in hidingat Wildfell Hall, she encounters Gilbert Markham. who falls in love with her. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall challenges the social conventions of the early nieenth century in a strong defence of women’ rights in the face of psychological abuse from their husbands. Anne Bronte’s style is bold, naturalistic and passionate, and this novel, which her sister Charlotte considered ‘an entire, has earned her a position in English Literature in her own right, not just as the youngest member of the Bronte family.
  2. The Reason for the Difference
  Charlotte Bronte was the eldest of the three Bronte sisters . Charlotte Bronte was born at Thornton, in Yorkshire, England, the third of six children, to Patrick Bronte and his wife, Maria . In April 1820 the family moved to Haworth, where Patrick had been appointed Perpetual Curate. Maria Branwell Bronte died of cancer on 15 September 1821, leaving five daughters and a son to the care of her sister Elizabeth Branwell. In August 1824, Charlotte was sent with three of her sisters to the Clergy Daughters’ School at Cowan Bridge in Lancashire . Its poor conditions, Charlotte maintained, permanently affected her health and physical development, and hastened the deaths of her two elder sisters .At home in Haworth Parsonage, Charlotte and the other surviving children — Branwell, Emily, and Anne — were influenced by their father’s library of Walter Scott, Byron, Tales of the Genii and The Arabian Nights. They began chronicling the lives and struggles of the inhabitants of their imaginary kingdoms. Charlotte and Branwell wrote stories about their country — Angria. The sagas were elaborate and convoluted and provided them with an obsessive interest in childhood and early adolescence, which prepared them for their literary vocations in adulthood. Charlotte continued her education at Roe Head school in Mirfield from 1831 to 1832, where she met her lifelong friends and correspondents, Ellen Nussey and Mary Taylor. Charlotte returned as a teacher from 1835 to 1838. In 1839 she took up the first of many positions as governess to various families in Yorkshire, a career she pursued until 1841. In 1842 she and Emily travelled to Brussels to enroll in a pensionnat run by Constantin Heger(1809–1896)and his wife Claire Zo Parent Heger(1804–1890). In return for board and tuition, Charlotte taught English and Emily taught music. Their time at the pensionnat was cut short when Elizabeth Branwell, their aunt who joined the family after the death of their mother to look after the children, died of internal obstruction in October 1842. Charlotte returned alone to Brussels in January 1843 to take up a teaching post at the pensionnat. Her second stay at the pensionnat was not a happy one; she became lonely, homesick, and deeply attached to Constantin Heger. She finally returned to Haworth in January 1844 and later used her time at the pensionnat as the inspiration for some of The Professor and Villette.   Emily Bronte was born in Thornton, near Bradford in Yorkshire, to Patrick Bronte and Maria. In 1824, the family moved to Haworth, where Emily’s father was perpetual curate, and it was in these surroundings that their literary oddities flourished. Little of Emily’s work from this period survived, except for poems spoken by characters.
  In 1838, Emily commenced work as a governess at Miss Patchett’s Ladies Academy at Law Hill School, near Halifax, leaving after about six months due to homesickness. Later, with her sister Charlotte, she attended a private school in Brussels run by Constantin Heger and his wife, Claire Zoe Parent Heger. They later tried to open up a school at their home, but had no pupils.
  It was the discovery of Emily’s poetic talent by Charlotte that led her and her sisters to publish a joint collection of their poetry in 1846, Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell.
  [3]朱光潜.西方美学史 上·下[J].人民文學.
【摘要】本文基于美国当代英语语料库(COCA)开展了男性和女性家庭角色话语建构分析。研究发现,子女、夫妻、父母,及祖父母这四组家庭关系中,男性家庭成员的社会地位要高于女性家庭成员。夫妻和父母这两组关系内部的性别差异更大,丈夫和父亲的地位要高于妻子和母亲,同时这两组关系的权力相较于子女和祖父母来说更大。  【关键词】家庭角色;性别话语;社会语言学;语料库  【作者简介】夏娜娜(1990.09-),女
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【摘要】小学英语的教学是素质教育的重要组成部分,在学门学科中,需要教师带领学生们进行语言思维的培养,PBL模式作为一种新的教学模式,其主要的特点是让学生们在问题中利用学科知识进行解决,本能为将从此入手,不断调整教学方式,以期望能够激发学生们的兴趣。  【关键词】PBL视域;小学英语;思维培养  【作者简介】李琳,苏州工业园区娄葑学校。  前言  PBL的全称是“Probiem-Based Lean
【摘要】随着儿童文学研究成果的增多,学术界越来越关注儿童文学与成人文学之间的差异。文章从Ariel的可及性理论视角入手,以汤红英的《睡尘湖》和严歌苓的《金陵十三钗》为语料,采用量化统计和质性分析的方法从五個方面研究两篇小说回指的分布特点及其成因,从而得出成人文学的回指情况会比儿童文学复杂的结论。该研究在一定程度上能为儿童文学与成人文学的创作提供新的思路与灵感。  【关键词】可及性理论;儿童文学;成
【摘要】如今,我国正处在人才强国战略的重要发展时期。高等教育管理事关高等教育事业的不断深化改革和完善,日渐成为日益突出的重要任务。本文通过对我国高等教育管理工作现状问题进行剖析,并就这些问题提出了相应的解决策略,以期为同仁们进行有关研究和深入的探讨提供参详,为我国高等教育管理理论研究和改革提供些许参考。  【关键词】高等教育管理;问题;策略  【作者简介】文延梅(1993-),女,汉族,四川达州人
作为一名小学英语老师,我一直在思考一个问题:为什么许多小学生反复重听,仍不能正确拼写出一个单词,或完整说出一句英语短句?直到听了一位美籍华侨教授的讲座,我才恍然大悟。原来,美国的母语教学是以Phonics(自然拼读法)为基础的。美国的孩子从幼儿园起开始接受Basic English Learning,掌握基本的听和说。进入小学后的前三年时间,他们接着系统地按照Phonics的方法来学习词汇。此后,
【摘要】英语素质教育的本质是文化教育与人文教育,英语学习要以“积累为本”。在语言学习的基础阶段,语言积累的重要方法就是“语感阅读”。本文从作者教学经验出发,阐述如何培养学生的语音感、语义感、语法感和语用感,最终使学生获得语感,形成一定的综合语言运用能力。  【关键词】语感阅读;听读训练;广泛积累;交际运用  【作者简介】杨洁,常州市武进区漕桥小学。  2017年9月,我们漕桥小学和潘家小学两所学校
【摘要】长期以来,学生英语知识的获得基本来源于课堂。随着信息技术领域的发展,新媒体给英语第二课堂的创设注入了新鲜血液,为英语学习爱好者的主动性、积极性和潜能的发挥提供了理想途径,极大地弥补了传统课堂教学的不足。通过凭借新媒体技术有计划、有目的、有针对性地进行英语第二课堂学习模式构建的探索,对提高学习者的英语水平和英语素养有着重要意义。  【关键词】新媒体;英语第二课堂  【作者简介】姚敏怡,泰州学
【摘要】当前经济全球化越来越深入,英语作为国际语言在全世界通用,有着举重若轻的地位,中国正加大向国际靠拢的力度,英语显得愈发重要。中国的学生从小学就开始学习英语,但是真正开始学习英语,起作用的是初中阶段。在新课改的要求下,教学理念也发生了变化,教师教学也不能固步自封,要探索出新的、有效的教学方法,更加有利于学生的自身发展,如何提升初中英语教学中的课堂有效性亟待解决。  【关键词】初中英语;课堂;有