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为提高重型病例抢救的成活率,必须抓好以下几个基本环节:一、早期彻底洗胃是抢救成败的关键,如果洗胃不彻底者,预后均差.①为争取时间,洗胃应与药物治疗同时进行;危重病人可在气管插管时先插好胃管.②插好胃管后,先把胃内容物抽尽,然后再灌注洗胃液,洗胃液除敌百虫中毒需用清水外,其余均可用2~4%碳酸氢钠或清水.③每次灌注洗胃液300~500毫升,并随即抽出,反复进行(一次注入量过多,可导致胃扩张,还可使胃内容物大量进入肠道,促使毒物吸收).④洗胃至洗出液不变颜色或无有机磷农药气味为止,不要受灌注液量的限制,一般需要10,000毫升以上;小儿视病情酌减;皮肤吸收者用肥皂水彻底清洗.⑤严重病例宜保留胃管,以便继续洗胃或补充流质饮食和液体,必要时还可经胃管注入蛋清等胶体,以保护胃粘膜及阻止毒物吸收.⑥国产电动洗胃机洗胃迅速,效果良好.⑦重 In order to improve the survival rate of the rescue of heavy cases, we must grasp the following basic steps: First, the early complete gastric lavage is the key to the success of the rescue, if the gastric lavage is not complete, the prognosis is poor.1 To fight for time, gastric lavage should be Drug treatment at the same time; critically ill patients in the endotracheal tube when the first plug in the stomach.② After inserting the gastric tube, the first gastric contents pumping exhausted, and then reperfusion gastric lavage fluid, gastric lavage trichlorfon poisoning need water , The rest are available 2 ~ 4% sodium bicarbonate or water .③ Each perfusion gastric lavage 300 to 500 ml, and then pulled out, repeated (an injection of too much, can cause stomach dilatation, but also stomach content A large number of enter the intestine, to promote the absorption of poison) .④ gastric lavage to wash the same color or organic phosphorus pesticide smell so far, do not be limited by perfusion fluid volume, generally require more than 10,000 ml; Who wash thoroughly with soap and water ⑤ serious cases should keep the stomach, so as to continue gastric lavage or liquid diet and liquid supplement, if necessary, can also be injected through the gastric tube and other colloids to protect the gastric mucosa and prevent the absorption of poison. Gastric lavage gastric lavage quickly, the effect is good Heavy weight
A young Rooster(公鸡)was summoned(被叫到)to his Father’s bedside (床边).“Son,my time has come to an end,”said the aged bird.“Now it is your turn to crow up