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牛顿第二定律、动量定理、动能定理、机械能守恒定律、动量守恒定律是中学物理中五个重要的力学规律。运用这五个规律解题构成了解力学问题的基本框架,所以,正确地运用和灵活地选用这些规律解题是中学物理教学的重点内容。在教学实践中,我们经常可以发现,不仅仅是初学五个规律的高一学生,就是进入总复习的高三学生,面对实际问题,运用这五个规律求解时往往感到茫然不知,出现思维“断路”现象。在解题中错用规律、乱用规律导致解题错误的现象时有发生,正因为这样,熟练地运用这些规律解力学问题又成了中学物理教学的难点。为了突破这一难点,笔者经多年教学实践,运用“正面导向”、“反面剖析”、“套题突破”三步曲,帮助学生突破这一思维障碍,收到了一定成效,现总结出来,与大家共同探讨。 Newton’s second law, theorem of momentum, theorem of kinetic energy, the law of conservation of mechanical energy, and the law of conservation of momentum are five important laws of mechanics in middle school physics. The use of these five laws to solve problems constitutes the basic framework for understanding mechanics problems. Therefore, the correct application and flexible use of these laws to solve problems is the key content of physics teaching in middle schools. In teaching practice, we can often find that not only the first five senior high school students, but also the senior students entering the final review, face real problems, and when using these five laws to solve the problem, they often feel confused and thinking. Circuit breaking phenomenon. Misuse of laws in the problem-solving and infrequent use of laws leads to the phenomenon of problem-solving errors. Because of this, the proficiency in the use of these laws to solve mechanical problems has become a difficult point in the teaching of middle school physics. In order to break through this difficulty, after many years of teaching practice, the author used the three steps of “positive orientation”, “retrospective analysis” and “cloaking breakthrough” to help students break through this barrier of thinking and received certain results, which are summed up. We discuss together.
1.下面这些等式,当然不能成立,但是只要在每一个数的后面添上一个恰当的计量单位,等式就成立了.例如400克+600克=1千克.请你在下面等式每个数后面添上计量单位,使等式 1. T
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一、稳定电源的输出功率电源的输出功率 P_出=UI,U 是电源的端电压,I是外电路的总电流。当电源的电动势ε、内阻 r 确定时,阻值为 R 的负载电阻连接到电源两端,U 和 I 都与
在一次数学课上 ,老师给我们讲了如下例题 :例 已知函数 f(x)的定义域为R ,f(x)不恒为 0 ,对任意实数x ,y ,恒有 f(x +y) =f(x)·f(y) ,且x 0时 ,f(x) 1,证明 :1) f( 0 ) =1,且x∈R时 ,f(x) 0 ;2 )
多面体与旋转体的体积选择题1 斜三棱柱的一个侧面的面积等于S ,这个侧面与它所对的棱的距离等于h .这个三棱柱的体积是(   )(A) 14Sh .       (B) 13Sh .(C) 12 Sh .    (D)