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全国统编地理教材,是由文字系统、图象系统和作业系统等三个子系统组成的。在地理教学中相互协调各子系统的作用,才能从整体上完成教学任务。通常,我们比较重视文字系统(即课文),注意对地理基础知识的讲授。近年来对图象系统地研究逐渐加强,充分运用课本插图、地图册、填充图册等,已成为提高地理教学质量的重要手段。鉴于目前对作业系统(即教材中的练习题)的研讨还不够,本文发表拙见就教于诸位学长。一、练习题在课堂教学中的重要地位有的教学法专家指出:“知识不是用简单的阅 The national textbook for geography is composed of three subsystems: a text system, an image system, and an operating system. In geography teaching, it is necessary to coordinate the roles of various subsystems in order to complete the task of teaching as a whole. Usually, we pay more attention to the text system (text) and pay attention to teaching the basic knowledge of geography. In recent years, the study of the image system has been gradually strengthened, and the full use of textbook illustrations, atlases, and atlases have become an important means for improving the quality of geography teaching. In view of the fact that the current research on the operating system (ie, the exercises in the textbook) is not enough, this article will be published in a glimpse and taught to your teachers. First, the important position of practice questions in classroom teaching Some pedagogy experts pointed out: ”Knowledge is not a simple reading
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