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本文所研究的经济增长点是指那些能够直接形成经济增长并能够推动经济总体增长的因素。它包含了经济增长点对经济总体的直接贡献,也包含了经济增长点对经济结构其他部分的相关带动作用,即通过经济增长点的首先发展,形成经济结构的不平衡,再拉动其它部分增长,最终达到经济结构的动态平衡。对于产业来说,能够对其它产业产生带动的经济增长点称主导产业;对地区来说,能够对其它地区产生带动作用的经济增长点称为经济增长极。值得提起的是增长点理论在西方一般是指国民经济范围内的一定地理空间,属性是地域;中国的经济增长点理论一般是指国民经济的中观层次,主要指向产业。 The economic growth points studied in this paper are the ones that can directly form the economic growth and promote the overall economic growth. It includes the direct contribution of economic growth to the economy as a whole, as well as the driving effect of economic growth on other parts of the economic structure. That is, through the first development of economic growth, unbalanced economic structure and then growth of other sectors , And finally achieve the dynamic balance of economic structure. For industries, the economic growth that can bring about other industries is the dominant industry. For the region, the economic growth point that can give a boost to other regions is called the economic growth pole. It is worth mentioning that the growth point theory in the West generally refers to a certain geographical space within the scope of the national economy. Attributes are geographical areas. China’s economic growth point theory generally refers to the medium-level level of the national economy and mainly points to industry.
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1986年12月8日,江苏省冶金职工书法、美术摄影研究会正式宣布成立。李三元同志为名誉会长,王学农同志为会长,王俊杰、郑光晨同志为副会长,聘请黄养辉、张杰等为顾问。 Dece