
来源 :生命与灾祸 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiuyuwusheng
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这难道是偶然的巧合吗?凌晨四点,美国宾夕法尼亚州特里马尔岛的原子能核电站刚刚交接班不久,灾祸降临了;前苏联切尔诺贝利核反应堆爆炸事件发生在夜间一点二十三分;印度布霍巴尔化工厂中毒惨案同样发生在午夜之后,2000多人在这次事故中丧身;空前的动力震惊了世界,人们不禁在发问是什么原因造成了如此深重的灾难。生物寿命学家断言,所有这些工业灾祸发生在凌晨这时间绝不是然的巧合。他们正在致力研究深奥莫测的生物机能所从属的生物律,而面临艰巨的任务是教会人们如何翻译人体内部的生物钟,即夜间工作,生物钟与人不相协调时。尽管生物寿命学作为一门独特的新兴学科形成只是近十来年之事,但成效卓著。生物寿命学家经过不懈探索发现人体生物钟是由眼底超级视觉交叉神经中心微乎其微的神经细胞组织及脑子深处的大小与豌豆相似的球状物体组织——腺共同构成。腺通过眼睛和超级视觉交叉神经中心接受昼夜交替的信息,按需分泌睡眠激素——褪黑激素。明暗的更迭到信号的作用,随着黑暗来 Is this a coincidence? Four o’clock, the United States, Pennsylvania, Triall Island nuclear power plant just took over soon, the disaster came; the former Soviet Union Chernobyl nuclear reactor explosion occurred at night at twenty-three ; Poisoning at the chemical plant in Bujumbur in India also took place after midnight, killing more than 2,000 people in this accident; unprecedented power shocked the world, people can not help but in asking what is the reason for such a deep disaster. Biological lifesavers assert that all these industrial calamities happen by no means coincidental in the wee hours of the morning. They are working hard to study the profound bioethics underlying biological functions and face the daunting task of teaching people how to translate the body’s internal clock, which is night work, when the circadian clock is out of harmony with people. Although bio-life-time as a unique emerging discipline is only a matter of the last ten years, it has achieved remarkable results. Biological lifespan through unremitting exploration found that the human body clock by the fundus of the superficial vision of the nerve center of the tiny nerve tissue and brain depth and pea similar to the size of the globular body tissue - gland together. The gland receives information from day to night through the eyes and the Super Vision Cross-Nerve Center, secrete sleep hormone - melatonin as needed. The change of light and darkness to the signal, with the darkness
Pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) was employed to achieve fast pyrolysis of biomass and on-line analysis of the pyrolysis vapors. Four b