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急诊急救医学是一门新兴的医学学科,在我国仅有10多年的发展历史。其主要包括:院外急救、院内急诊(室)和重症监护室(ICU),近年来随着院前急救指挥电话“120”的开通,构成了完整的急救医学体系(EMSS)。长期以来我国的急诊医学专家对EMSS,尤其是急救指挥中心的模式进行了不懈的探索,有不同的看法和运作模式,现介绍如下。 1 国内城市急救中心的几种模式 1.1 广州模式:广州于1990年建立了广州市“120”急救指挥中心作为全市急救,工作的总调度,以25家医院急诊科为区域,按医院专科性质分片分科负责急救的模式。急救指挥中心与各医院无行政的隶属关系,但具有全市院前救护的调度指挥权,急救指挥中心本身没有院前、院内急诊,是个单纯性的指挥 Emergency medicine is an emerging medical science and has only a history of more than 10 years in our country. It mainly includes: first aid outside hospital, emergency room (inpatient room) and intensive care unit (ICU). In recent years, with the opening of the pre-hospital emergency command line “120”, a complete emergency medical system (EMSS) has been formed. For a long time, our country’s emergency medical experts have made unremitting explorations of the EMSS, especially the emergency command center model, and have different views and modes of operation. We now introduce them as follows. 1 Several modes of domestic urban emergency centers 1.1 Guangzhou mode: Guangzhou established the “120” first aid command center in Guangzhou in 1990 as the general dispatch for the city’s first aid and work. The emergency department of 25 hospitals is an area, divided by the specialty of the hospital. The film division is responsible for the mode of first aid. The first-aid command center has no administrative affiliation with the hospitals, but has the dispatching and commanding authority for the pre-hospital rescue in the city. The emergency command center itself has no pre-hospital, in-hospital emergency services and is a simple command.
我坐在树下吃午饭,发现一块没肉的骨头上爬满了蚂蚁。这些蚂蚁忙得热火朝天,而骨头纹丝不动。我为蚂蚁们的勤奋感动,于是捡了块肥肉,嚼碎了吐在地上。  但是,这些蚂蚁全神贯注于骨头,根本不知道附近有美味的肥肉。它们上下左右地爬,黑压压一片,眼看着劳动力过剩,就是没有谁往肥肉这边跑一步。  这时,来了一只小蚂蚁,是赶来帮忙的。它围着骨头跑来跑去,却挤不上去。它向骨头发起冲锋,但仍然被兄弟们挤下来。小蚂蚁放
在能耍骚辣,秀歌喉、飙舞技的小野猫(The Pussycat Dolls)惊艳全球后,经过数以万计乐迷票选与超级商业头脑才子吹牛老爹(P.Diddy)的赏识,Danity Kane(简称DK)带着绝对美丽与
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